Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

It was also a little foolish even then, 15 ish years ago. The cliff edges crumble away as ice forms in the chalk over winter, and then falls away in vast chunks after a couple of years of the cracks expanding. It has been a gently occurring problem over the years with an occasional fall. Apparently it has now become an annual occurrence as the effects of recent weather pattern changes accelerate the problem.

I retired yesterday!

Currently listening to music when I would normally have been logged in to work from 06:45.

2 holidays planned in the next 6 weeks as well, oh and we’re having a new cooker delivered, how exciting!


Congratulations. I wish you many happy days and years ahead.

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Wonderful news.

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Congrats ! The feeling of ‘just retired’ when it happens is great.

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Well you will have plenty of time to use the new cooker?

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Congratulations hope you have a wonderful retirement. Take care.


Went for a swim yesterday afternoon.

Sea state was “lively” but the water was surprisingly warm (for our antipodean members I will concede that my water temperature assessment is “relative” ).



20-22c :grin:

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10 -12c.


That’s pretty chilly still. :cold_face:

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I used to pop down from London for a weekend a couple of times a year to walk sections of the South Downs Way as the train handily stopped at villages that were good waypoints on the path. One occasion I walked the whole path I arrived at Beachy Head when there was full fog, the path is a reasonable distance from the cliff edge, but I still headed to the road and followed that in, I could head a voice in my head saying “The body was found at the foot of the cliffs”.


I lived in a small hamlet in one of the valleys with a view of the sea. On a foggy evening we’d often get the fog rolling in and just stopping at the end of the garden as we looked out. I still have nightmares from the 1980 film The Fog swimming about in my head but with the wall at the end of my garden featuring :rofl:


Updating on the South Downs Way some photos from today as we journeyed to Alfriston. Have noted everyone’s comments and warnings about the Seven Sisters. Will stay away from the edge and watch out for those rolling fogs…


Returned to Zadar Marina after a week‘s sailing. Last night on the boat before an early start tomorrow. I will drop my boys and my mate off at Venice Airport. They will fly home and I will drive to Turin for a couple of days to join my wife who has been running an event there. Then we are flying to Sicily for 5 days to recover. :sunny:


Before I moved on to the seven sisters, I lived in Alfriston. Also got married there. Lovely memories. Good time to visit now I guess, before the summer crowds arrive.

Yes it’s a lovely village and we are staying at Wingrove House. We know some friends in the village and earlier sat in their garden enjoying afternoon tea. Tonight off to the Rathfinny wine estate for dinner.

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Congratulations -

best wishes


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