Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

Intense coffee day today - started with different processes for green beans which affect the flavour (I had no idea!), then different factors that influence the roast results, then roasting some coffee on the machines they sell and finally cupping!


My annual game of cricket - mate’s side short due to half term. Volunteered to keep wicket - jeez my bum cheek muscles ache like buggery and no amount of beer seems to help. Still two catches, a comedy missed stumping and a disallowed run out (whipped the bails off one handed but ball in the other doh).

Amusing moment. Skip says to me “drop 10” then “Curtly you’re on this end”. Batsmen panic looking round for a 6’ 8" West Indian they hadn’t noticed. ‘Curtly’ comes to the end of his run-up. He’s 5’ 6", 8 st wringing wet. Batsman goes “ha ha good one”. First ball whizzes past his nose and slams into my (thin) gloves - ouch. Batsmen all try to get off strike after that. The kid uses his whole body like a slingshot.


Still in record-sort mode… this isn’t even half of em, and still adding new ones :laughing:


Now that is a great album (front to the right)


It is. Recent acquisition as I’d lost my old one somewhere back in the mists. Very, very nice quality reissue I must say.

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That first track is just brilliant.

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They couldn’t bring themselves to use the Flowery Twats sign…Very good though, the quickest couple of hours I’ve spent at the theatre for a while :slightly_smiling_face:


“Farty Towels” would have been OK, surely?

They did shift to Watery Fowls at the interval, perhaps different days see differing ‘grams?

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Thank you Eoink.


Yet another visit to Stourhead this morning but I was pretty well first in and conditions were spectacular, a profusion of colour.


On returning from a yawnsome trip to the garden centre, I noticed the car’s milometer.

When I was working I had a lease car for many years, and they never reached 40,000. We bought this car in 2018 with about 3,000 on the clock. It’s the first car we’ve ever had that I’ve been completely happy with, so doubtless it will click up a lot more miles yet. When this one goes, it will be replaced by an electric no doubt.


Starting to get rid of “clutter”, I am a born clutterer , and get rid of all the surplus ( and cheap ) cables I have accumulated

Tucked away in the cables was Nordost Heimdall ,I thought that’s very good - and then went and saw what the Heimdall 2 was going for. I had forgotten I hade ever had it and must have been from my CDX 2 to NAC202 .

It has ended up between the UDP and UnitiQute in very quick time ( for the SACD out) .

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We are in Rimini today at BMW dealer, for a change of rims, meanwhile they kindly lent me this new Cooper S for a test drive


We went for a ride round Trawasfynydd Lake today.

This does not look like an “undulating steady path” around the lake, as described.



Having heard that the backlog for MoTs was still growing I though I’d get ahead of the game and book Mrs Willy’s car in. It’s due on the 20th October. The first available appointment is 28th November. Approaching 6 months just to get a bloody MoT test. This is getting silly.


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Later in the afternoon in Maranello, at Turn PPF worskshop, Ferrari SP3 Daytona & 296 Challenge


Which country is this, where it’s hard to get an MoT? Ours runs out at the end of July, so I rang last Friday and booked it for the beginning of the month. I only booked early so I could get home collection, to avoid sitting around while it’s done.


United Kingdom, specifically Northern Ireland. Here the MoT system is essentially nationalised via government run test centres.
