Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

I’m having mine done at the local Audi garage and they could pretty much fit me in whenever I wanted. I’ve just looked up the situation in NI and it seems that over half of the drivers are driving cars beyond their MoT date. What a dreadful muddle.

Historical anomaly. We used to have our own DVA as well, based in Coleraine, though it’s been subsumed into Swansea now.

There are various exemptions in place. So long as you maintain your car in roadworthy condition and have a booked test then the PSNI won’t bother you and the Insurance companies will cover you. If however your car tax runs out DVLA will not renew it until you have a valid MoT test certificate. The test centres do their best for anyone in that situation to find a cancellation.


Trawsfyndd is just lovely.


Ordered a new lap top from Amazon, with collection from local PO as the designated ‘local collection centre’ – due for delivery 3rd June. Uncertain timing of home delivery a worry, as you have to provide delivery code.

Problem is Amazon tried to deliver ay 6-45pm when the POS shuts at 5-30. Way to go.

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Amazon works seamlessly with PO here sometimes only taking a few days

Bozzo needs your money guys. He’s very grateful.

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I share your feelings, problem is the rat has everything tied up. It’s get hard to buy CDs without ending up on their site.


Where they score for me is their no hassle returns service. I tried getting a repair for our wine fridge…….they sent out people who admitted they did not know anything about the product.
I got on to Amazon, they rang back in 5 minutes, agreed i should get a refund. Seller collected next day and refunded. We have found that the electrical stores are not helpful in these circumstances, particularly if you did not take out their insurance.


They can get me a cd in about 3 days I live 3 1/2 hours north of Sydney I’d struggle to get down there find somewhere to park and get back home in less. :grin:


I bought a pair of hiking shoes from Amazon and when they were delivered realised I needed a half size bigger. I logged into my account at about 11 am to reply I was going to return them, and by 9pm the same day, the larger pair were delivered to my doorstep. And I hadn’t got round to mailing the smaller pair back yet. Amazing service but worrying too. I must say I am trying to use shops as much as possible because in my mind I would hate to see local stores shut down. It’s striking the correct balance so that we don’t all just end up sitting at home shopping from our phones.


Sorted out three different pieces of admin relating to my passions of live music, live sport and great food. Firstly arranged a visit to York with a booking at Skosh, our favourite restaurant there. Secondly signed up for Marillion Port Zeelande weekend in March next year (seventh time for this with a great bunch of mates), and finally moved seats on our Nottingham Forest season tickets to mitigate the impact of an outrageous 29% price hike.
Now having a quiet pint to recover!

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Guess which city we are visiting today!



Any major city in the world?

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You‘re obviously an expert in Irish pubs! :clap:

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Surely if you are in Copenhagen you’d go to a nice Danish place rather some grotty chain pub pretending to be something it isn’t.

Of course I would. Just enjoying an aperitif before heading off to a French-Asian fusion Danish restaurant :blush:

And don’t call me Shirley.


Phew! Copenhagen always looks lovely; my only experience of it is changing trains at the station in the middle of the night.

I imagine it is a wonderful place.

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Today’s exciting news is that we won £900 on the Premium Bonds. One of the prizes was £500, which is only the third time we’ve won a £500. We’ve never had anything bigger, maybe one day.