Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

Spent this morning at the Northwest Audio Show. Now enjoying a beer and gin event at Cuerden park :beer::beer::beer:

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Really enjoyed pottering round Polesden Lacey today, after seeing a programme about it several weeks ago. House with tons of bling, Edwardian and later Royal Family connections and some very interesting medieval and early Dutch art.

Topped off with a deckchair snooze and ice cream to recover.


Things I’ve not done really.

Youngest daughter died eight years ago today.48 years old.
We sprinkled her ashes by a bird hide on the river’s edge where she spent a few happy hours at the ending.
Heat, rough footpath,irrational leg coordination (or lack thereof) and at times a precipitous sense of balance caused this years visit and ten minute chat to be cancelled by my elder daughter.
I have rebooked her spirit to return to orbit on her birthday. Let’s hope I might make it or I shall be in real trouble.
In old age you never really lose the sense of inadequacy when the kinder sadly pop off before you.

Right,couple of sniffles and we are up and running (ha ha ha) again.


Sorry to hear you didn’t make it. She will understand I’m sure.

Best wishes.

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I can only echo Bruss’ words, take care.


Chatting to a loved one in a special place is lovely.

However, if it’s not possible I am sure she will like hearing from you wherever you are.


So sorry to hear about your daughter Nick, she’ll understand, take care.

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Most systems work perfectly well before RM buy them in, then they modify to suit their needs and suddenly it doesn’t work as intended…

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The parcel turned up this morning. Local postman was not generous in his praise of RM tracking.


Game 7 of the ice hockey’s Stanley Cup Final, albeit on June 24th, was outstanding, comparable with Argentina/France world cup final. I’m saying that as a neutral. Euro 2024 so far absolute rubbish, though I expect things to improve.

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Heading back out to the Chalke History Festival this afternoon, on another glorious day weatherwise. Chalke Valley an idylic spot, not too far from Naim Central. Hope to catch a talk from Michael Wood and hear about ‘The Thief at the British Museum’.


Just got back from my long-suffering Audio Dealer , after a lot of faffing and discussion last week my CD5si has just been traded in , I will use the CDX2.2 into the ND5XS2 .

The Nait 50 was a class up from the CD5si (and I am not knocking it) , we discussed a transport instead of both Naim CD players

For those that don’t know I have gone from a multi box Naim system to a much simplified system. Something I am doing in cameras and have done with my car.

My last words to him were "You know there’s part of me that just wants to simplify life and get a Star instead.

I got home to this

Oh yarbles - methinks, our conversation would have been different


I bought a new golf club. "Sadly not Wentworth) A new 2021 technology Driver as apposed to my old 2010 technology club, which was quite highly regarded back then.

Went up the range to have a hit with both clubs this afternoon.
Ridiculous, like moving from a wooden tennis racket to a modern composite one. It was easy to use and I was hitting further than ever, and I am no Spring Chicken. I was quite shocked.

Sometimes technology really moves on, don’t know if the rules have changed. I’m not sure that the quality of music reproduction has moved that much recently. Ease of use, perhaps.

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I went to a seminar in London on wills an LPOA etc. Very insightful, and very frightening, you think you know a bit, but the consequences are now enormous.
Not having come from wealth we don’t realise how they manage to keep it in the family and avoid claims through trusts.
I informed my wife, as she is away, that we need to use their services, as what we, and many others have done is not sufficient to protect our assets.

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Please forgive me for saying this Ian as I have no intention to offend.

You have often stated your wish to downsize but since getting rid of the Nova your system appears to have become more complicated. From my own experience perhaps investigating new speakers may have proved an easier road to follow.

The Nova sounded good to me for 5 years & a recent change to more expensive speakers has only enhanced the performance. I honestly believe that some of its detractors are using unsuitable speakers, often small bookshelf types, believing that small speakers are a good match with the Nova’s small form factor.

Plus, important to you, it’s got a remote!


You won’t catch me detracting it , I had a Nova , a Graham Slee Phono Stage and a CDX2.2 . When the Nait 50 came out I immediately bought it , I haven’t regretted it -except when I had the massive tear in my knee .

The Nait 50 is a step up on the amplification side from the Nova , and is smaller and lighter - things I crave in my unit

I have a basic streamer for internet radio and which acts as a digital hub for my Sky Dish and BluRay player , that takes up one Din socket on the Nait 50 so a degree of the Nova’s capabilities was not being used

Thing is the Nait CD5si wasn’t cutting it for me and was not as good as the CDX2/Nova combination.

There were other issues as well .

I have reluctantly gone from two boxes plus tt back to three

I listened to the combined Marantz SACD player and streamer and that was something I will always regret passing on - the arthritis in my knees is in other places and I am wary of having heavy boxes in my rack.

The purchase of the ND5XS2 is a purchase to get back the CDX2.2 and to access streaming - simply due to the volume of CDs . In some ways it is a reluctant purchase and not one that I am joyful about

Anyway to cut a story short , after I paid in the dealer’s office - I stopped to admire a Lyngdorf box the size of an Atom , he said lift it up , very light and hundred watts per channel (I guess class g?)

I also stopped to admire the super slim and stylish matching CD player .

By the way I also heard a pair of Rogers LS3/5E with the Nait 50 and that was sublime

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I follow your reasoning Ian, I just feel that you have possibly made things a bit more complicated than necessary & may have achieved your aims by approaching things from a different angle.

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You mean by buying a Star ?

I totally agree with you , I can assure you if the offer on trade in had been available or my dealer had been aware we would have had a different discussion

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Any suggestions ? I still have the Graham Slee phono stage

If I can trade the CDX2.2 in… that’s £700

I do feel that Naim may have looked after their CD customers a little better especially with digital outputs on the CD5si, I am happy with the Harbeths and had no issues

Swam in the sea with my dogs, they love swimming.
Had a lovely walk along the beach, sand dunes, and wood.
Been in the pool.
Had a lovely bbq.
Sat in the lovely sun drinking beer.