Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

I think you missed the joke there.

Oops sorry I’ll blame the drugs. I did think it was a little extreme.

Sorry @AndyP :grin:


I have a headline question: what on earth is going on in the insurance market, both car and home? Why are quoted premium rates so disparate?

Had the car renewal though from Direct Line who cited £372 for my very 'umble Ford chariot, with very high voluntary XS and many years ‘no claims’. On calling to cancel, this dropped to £300 (an outrage in itself!).

Went on ‘Compare the…’ and purchased like4like cover for <£180 via another major provider.

The real pee-take, is that Aviva’s main renewal portal spewed out a quote of £360 (sans protection for the N/C), yet on ‘Compare…’, they are quoting <£200.

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I was with Saga (who I know are just a broker) and quoted a massive increase to around £600 from £400. I went onto a compare site and found same cover for £350 and guess who it was with … Saga.

To my mind this is out and out fraud.


The whole idea of the recent changes was to ensure that existing customers get the same deal as new ones. Working well then.

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One would hope so……but i bet its just if you get a quote from your existing insurer direct…….not a 3rd party seller….new business. I hope i am wrong?

There is something very wrong here, and I wonder if the wording I’ve read on my renewals which purports to tell me the premium has been benchmarked to those for ‘new customers’ was written by a lawyer (perhaps a POL one), as it’s clearly not the case.

I’ve stayed away from ‘CTM’ and other similar 'sites, as I didn’t want my data splayed around the 'net, but this has made me think again.

Even allowing for the costs efficiencies of booking business via the 'web, how can the same brands be, in effect, two-tier pricing? (may be more than 2 tiers?).


Went to vote.

At least there was a tiny queue I suppose (compared to none at other times recently).

Rain and Love Island are currently deterring Mrs AC despite me finding her passport for her :man_facepalming: :person_facepalming: :woman_facepalming:


I used my new “old buqqers” driving licence for identification.

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That was part of the problem - we can’t find her most recent passport but I found an old one with the edge clipped which should be ok assuming it’s still representative (tenuous after 20 years!). She’s never had a photo ID driver’s licence, only paper.

Same here, until it finally expired the week before last, and I had to get a new one with a photo. OTOH the new DL can sit in my card wallet alongside my “old buqqers” bus pass.

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I’ve spend six hours as a teller today. A few grumpy people but overwhelmingly positive. All good fun.

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I just whooped with delight at my tv :roll_eyes:

How much are they paying these days?

When I worked in local authority, it was good money & staff queued up to get a berth.

Edit/ my mistake. I thought you were referring to staffing the desks.

Tellers - haven’t come across any at our polling stations.

Mixed feelings about tellers despite it being legal though I have no doubts your convictions are genuine and well-intentioned.

I’d have probably been politely grumpy had there been any locally tonight as I’ve always felt it to be somewhat opportunistic social engineering.

Is there strong evidence it’s effective in getting people to the polling booths late in the day?

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While I was in the garage this morning another leaflet was delivered just at the time I had some difficulty with the job in hand, “fluffy twig!”[1], I exclaimed.
Obviously I didn’t hear but just spotted her as she walked off my property sharpishly. I won’t have been quiet as I cannot hear myself.

[1] I can’t post what I really said. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Virtually no candidates canvassing here. Possibly not surprising given one whose registered address was over 150 miles away :laughing:

It’s important and full respect to those of all political persuasions who make the effort even if you don’t align with their views.

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Same thing is happening here, got my renewal from our existing insurance company last month. They reduced the value of our car but increased the premium by over $400. Spent an hour on the phone and the only thing I could get from them is that circumstance have changed. Obviously it’s changed for them as nothing has changed for me, we’d been with them for over 5 years. Shopped around got a better cover from another company cheaper than my original policy and a full like for like replacement.

These companies are just out of control and there’s no reward for being a loyal customer. You have to shop around you just can’t trust them.


I’ve always said they are the Mafia with headed note paper.


I didn’t ask for anyone’s numbers as we had no plan to get people out voting. My job was to welcome people and be generally friendly. I’ve watched people’s bikes, looked after their dogs and managed the parking. All very good natured. It’s surprising how many people get to the voting booth and still have no idea how to cast their vote. The plan was that if they were greeted by a friendly teller outside, then they may vote for them. Whether it works I’ve no evidence.

Mrs HH was a poll clerk for the day so I had nothing better to do. And the clerking will give us over £200 for the holiday fund. It’s all good.