Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

Look great. Wouldn’t want them to tone down. They look rich, expensive and solid like that.


Clearly the delivery driver identifies with the product manufacturer…

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I bet you haven’t stopped laughing yet…


I don’t want them to tone down too! When they said they would tone down I understand they mean it will be subtle, the way all wood does. I suppose matures would be a better word.
They are definitely solid and weigh about twice the weight of the old ones. They were expensive of course, but certainly worth the expense.

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You forgot to put a ‘wet paint’ sign out!

They may read that as an instruction…

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I don’t think that would make any difference with Amazon delivery. Even if I’m in, they never check. They just put the packages in odd places and run. Maybe they sense a demon in the house?

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In fairness they’re pretty good here and always knock even if they dump stuff in the bin if I don’t answer promptly!

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Clearly you’re not a demon then.

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Some people like Demons…

(Several versions of this, Powerwolf original but unless you like growling or disrobing nuns this is probably tamer!).


Gee just got a $2k heritage fund grant to help save the beam for the old building, we did apply for $5k but they needed it more than us. It’s cost us about $13k to remove store and put back in so everything helps I guess.


Maybe they are underpaid and under pressure.

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That too of course.

Bought more El Archangel coffee beans at £6.50/250gm at the refill price. Also got a sample of their Rwanda – Nyungwe 455 beans. Another very good choice with a super aftertaste.


Our daughter has just completed her 2nd year at Winchester, she’s loved her time there and doesn’t want it to end but it will have to of course.

It’s a lovely city, compact, not too rowdy (she’s not a party girl) and with an excellent train service. The university has been excellent, can’t fault it.

We chose private accomodation at Cathedral point for the 3 years, it was a bumpy start due to a one-off room issue but she’s been very happy there and it certainly took the hassle out of shared houses.


We’ve had an offer accepted on a house, so hope to be in before Christmas. I will have a dedicated music room, so at some point when we are close to completion, I will post a room plan and seek advice for the room orientation etc.


I’ve not really said much about this but my eldest son has ADHD and has suffered from depression over the years. He dropped out of University twice and lost all confidence. He’s been on Universal Credit, living in a shared house with some rather challenging housemates.

Last year he got a part time job for a few hours a week, then last summer he decided he wanted to go back to University and do his final year, at 28. He was out of time for the loan, but managed to get another year’s loan after a really helpful medical letter from his doctor. Because he’d had such a gap since dropping out, he counted as a direct entrant and everything rested on the one year.

He worked really hard over the year, keeping his job going while studying, and has got a first, which is just brilliant. As soon as he finished in early June he started applying for jobs, got an interview with a local company for their grad scheme, and today was offered a job. I’m just so proud of him, he’s been through such a lot, and to get to where he is now has been a Herculean task. But he’s done it, and I couldn’t be happier for him.

His degree and job are in electronic engineering, which is something I know various Forum members will approve of!


That is great to hear Nigel, how well he’s done! You are right to be very proud of him.

I wish him and your family all the best….it is difficult to say the least……been there.:heart: