Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

Learning curve in my experience.

You will start to feel when they get dislodged especially when brushing through foliage etc or do a proactive quick check.

Don’t forget tho that they are amplifying sounds so my audiologist suggested removing, switching off or using ear defenders with ‘loud’ power tools. (I know ,I know should be wearing ear defenders anyway😁)

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The worst was during Covid. I volunteered at the jabbing clinic and we had to wear official NHS face masks. The elastic was constantly getting tangled with my hearing aids, with the glasses adding further complications.

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Yes, I’ve realised the glasses issue. I was conscious of that.

It’s a pain but it’s still safer than breathing on someone or someone spraying you.

Well obviously. I never suggested otherwise.

I didn’t think you did.

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You love each other really


We learn more from the things that go wrong than the things that go right

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IIRC it was Rabbi Lionel Blue who said “Success makes you clever. Failure makes you wise”.



Fed a tired bee


What did you feed it with? It looks like honey.

If it’s any consolation I wore mine to the barber a few weeks after I got them. The cable to the ear isn’t good with clippers.


Probably makes most of us here pretty knowledgeable then…

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Henry Lowther at Swanage just now. This legend appeared at Woodstock with Keef Hartley and has been on innumerable British jazz albums, some of great importance. He was doing jazz-rock before Miles Davis ! At just turned 83 years, he leads a stellar group, ‘Henry Lowther’s Still Waters’ with his old mate Dave Green on bass. Henry’s sound and technique are still great.

End of commercial ! If anyone deserves one, Henry does.

Sea conditions flat calm.

Improving by the hour.


Just seen Mustang chasing a Spitfire. :blush:

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We saw and heard two merlin sounding planes go past a few miles away at about 3.30pm in Worcestershire. Doubt it is the same ones. 130 miles in 30 mins?? Possible I suppose.

Tracked where they took off from, Cotswold Airport.

They passed close to Worcester.

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An afternoon visit to somewhere @suzywong will know.


Thanks, Yes we are about a mile or so from that flight path. I couldn’t get my Bins in time.

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I didn’t need binoculars, they were about 100 yards away.

Couple of red arrows have just flown over.

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