Tidal not behaving……

im doing this now, with Qobuz/Tidal will this give me any better quality than using the Naim app? im guessing this all works over Upnp. sorry for the many questions!lol

UPnP yes. It sounds better from my experience and you have a free trial to get going and try yourself :slight_smile: Actually it sounded better on my NDX2 too…

It’s the only way to get hi-res streaming on a 1st gen streamer. But even for normal Tidal hi-fi listening, you may find it better than the naim app if you also install the server and set it up to convert from flac to wav. to my ears, I find it sounds better as wav (over upnp) than flac.

Since 2 days pause between songs from one album.
I thought that I had a internet problem.
But after scanning everything I thought let’s look at the Naim forum.
Well the answer is here.
A NAC-272 btw.


mate this is awesome, im guessing my macbook needs to be on? if thats the case i will get used mac mini or something

thanks for your input on this too, very much appreciated. is there anything i should do with setting etc to ensure the best quality?

Correct, the device running studio needs to be on. I have an old mac mini 2014 connected with ethernet to the same router as my NDS and use my macbook air as monitor when required. I also updated my mac mini to SSD drive instead of HDD since it started to get bit slow with the later OSX updates. Ping me if you would look into this and I’ll support you.

Also, if you have macbook with M1 or later you can use the Audirvana app for iPhone on it for added flexibility.

I can only speak for Bubble and not Audirvana. For bubble, if you install the android (or the iphone app), you don’t actually need the server and therefore another pc running. The phone app can do the streaming and sending to the naim device for you. In the “Renderer” settings you can control things for audio quality.

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This has blown my mind!lol very much appreciated, my macbook is a 2019, i will use if for now and look at what mac minis will do the job, all my network stuff, games consoles etc is all under my tv in a closed cabinet so adding a mac is fine really.

Im surprised some/youve not made a post on this explaining how to do it, might be very helpfull for the none techy people. im not really a computer guy and its all up and running.

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Here are my settings.


Have promoted Audirvana quite some in other threads :slight_smile: Game changer for me and my NDS using Qobuz hi-res files with it.

I might have put it down to…its computer stuff so didnt look.


I’m a cheap-skate. Bubble (the licensed version) is much much cheaper than Audirvana and does what I need it to do :-).

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I pay 5.50 GBP a month for Audirvana Studio. I wouldn’t call the expensive given the value it adds for me :slight_smile: If you purchase 1 year it goes down to 4.35GBP per month.

By the way. You can stream Tidal Max to the old platform via Audirvana. You’ll see in the naim app which resolution your naim streamer gets.

Really annoying , digital streaming has some major flaws. Looks like I’ll turn to the trusty LP12, at least it won’t rudely interrupt my listening !


Need to take It out and give it a damn good thrashing.



I’ve downloaded MconnectLite. It’s free, it works and it’s easier to use that the Naim app

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Experiencing a better performance. (Set to high in focal/naim app) No drop outs anymore on UQ2. Skipping to next song takes a bit longer.

I’m still getting the dropouts. I’ve just spotted an email from Naim support and will run the network scans they’ve asked for.