Trying to get going with a ND5 XS 2

Congrats Stephen! The little gear symbol at the top right of the Naim app is to configure the ND5 XS2.

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Yes I have loaded Asset onto the QNAP. Many thanks Nigel!


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Just one quick question before I get stuck in - is it normal for the DIN socket to be a bit wobbly? Iā€™ve not experienced this amount of wobble on the si gear before.

I have powered it up and am just about to go through the procedure - I see Naim have a walk through step by step guide - that is handy, very handy!:sunglasses:

Yes its to relieve the microphony and vibration.

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Yes, itā€™s part of the isolation design to minimise vibration impacting on the SQ.

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Ok brilliant. Many thanks guys!:innocent:

There will be sweet music (hopefully) in Southsea tonight !

Yes, itā€™s flaky, as if you touch the top of the box! I got sick of it and even sent an email to naim ā€¦ Itā€™s all right, they replied. This afternoon I went to see my dealer, there was a new one just arrived and it was also shaking.

WOW!!! the sound is absolutely AMAZING!!!

I am streaming local files via the Asset server from the QNAP!!!

This is something else!!!:cowboy_hat_face::ok_hand::clap:


Good stuff, glad it worked out in the end!


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ā€¦a lot of hard work and pain to get this far but the reward will be worth the journey!

Congratulations on the new streamer and your perseveranceā€¦

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Indeed.Thank you so much for all your help Richard, who yourself went way beyond the Call of Duty in helping me set everything up at the beginning of this journey. All of which has now finally come together and paid off as intended. Thank you!!!

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Glad its worked out for the good, its new it will burn in and sound much better. Have a wonderful eveningšŸ‘

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Thanks Gazza - Well, iā€™m in shock, i canā€™t believe it. This last bit was the easiest of the lot, iā€™m amazed how easy it was compared to the iPad - that very, very nearly broke me. Itā€™s all sound fantastic!!

Iā€™m one happy and mended man for sure, iā€™m so glad I stuck to the Naim way, the best way as far as iā€™m concerned!

Happy Listening everyone!!:heart:


Glad itā€™s all working and that the sound has made it all worth it. Enjoy :blush:

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You are welcome, itā€™s nice to see a happy ending.

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Perfect, very happy for you.

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Good to hear Stephen! Very happy for you.

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And now you are also an iPad expert Stephen! So all good then!


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