Turntable with integrated amp

It would also need a power supply for the Prefix, so not truly one box.

Perhaps, but as he’s just spent £8k on his 1 box system and asked about “higher end integrated turntables” it seemed like a reasonable suggestion.


Technics SL-1500C has a built in phono stage. It’s an incredible deck for the money and keeps things as simple and fuss free as can be.


Fully agree

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The Roksan Attessa gets great reviews at £1000 and now they are £600 from a well known dealer. It’s built in phono is pretty good.

I bought one to get back to vinyl. It’s a very clear sound, well balanced. Doesnt have the detail of my streamer but that 10-20x the price.


That’s a good recommendation too. Without coming over all Frenchrooster, with their encyclopedic knowledge of forum members and their kit, @johnt also ran one for a while and IIRC was very pleased with it.

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It is a superb turntable for the price, I listened to quite a few other options in the Attessa’s price range, some of which did beat the Attessa in a few areas, but the Attessa with its built in phono stage did give by far the best overall sound. In fact it was so good I have now got around 400 albums, quite an increase in 2 years from my starting position of just two 10” albums. I thank Roksan for starting my journey back into vinyl, even though it has cost me a small fortune. Highly recommended deck.


Clearaudio Concept Active comes with a phono stage, it’s a bit more expensive but a one box solution.


Cambridge kit is usually made in China, I doubt its performance is anywhere near a Technics or Rega priced similar.
OK I could be wrong as I have zero intention listening to any Cambridge kit of recent, I’d pick a Rega or Technics anyway of the week.
On a higher budget I’d look wider, such as Vertere, Roksan amo.

I couldn’t help thinking what a turntable you could get within the overall budget of a Nova without PE.

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That’s really helpful thanks, Cambridge Audio used to be owned by Richer Sounds but not sure if they still are.

And a Hicap for the Prefix?

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There are several great decks here. I would encourage you to look at a few and hear a few if you can.

Otoh, if you are dipping your toe but at don’t want to waste the quality you have further down the line or over-pay, I’d strongly encourage you to buy second-hand, probably from a dealer (not private) and probably via eBay.

For best VFM, a small phono stage (several good options, but I am a big fan of the Dynavector P75 mk4) is probably ideal, but (as you can see from the comments from others) there are some high quality one-box options if a second box really isn’t acceptable.

Good luck!

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Thanks for the great suggestions, I’m already looking on eBay. Doesn’t seem to be a lot around used at the moment but yes great way to grab a bargain. Really appreciate you taking the time to impart your valuable knowledge Nick

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Owners could sit anywhere and have their hifi manufactured in the Far East.
This is a fact for many good old established British brands, such as Quad, Wharfedale, Leak etc etc you name them.

Naim owners may be French, most of their kit is made in Salisbury and Slovakia, I believe the Muso’s are China made.

Written from a Chinese pc. :sunglasses:


I am looking at eBay and I see your problem.

There are quite a few good turntables for £500-£1000 and some very good turntables for £1000-£1500. Many of them are just a fraction of the new equivalents’ prices, and would grace most living rooms.

There are Rega Fono phono stages for about £100 and rather better options for £200-£400.

However, none of that gets you a good one-box player, and several of the excellent choices on eBay now have an external power supply box too.

If you don’t have space for all that, even tucked away somewhere, then things definitely look tougher. You could try calling a few dealers for (for example) Clearaudio and Technics to see if they have an ex-dem unit that would suit you.

Good luck!

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You’re a gentleman Nick many thanks!

I’m amazed they don’t make high end integrated turntables, Naim make a fortune out of one box integrated systems so why not?

Given the tiny signal strength of a turntable cartridge, better turntables usually involve a bit of space between the various electrical bits. Annoying, isn’t it?

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Richer sounds has the one I mentioned and others,
Is there one near you?
Least you can test before you buy

And looks 21st century

Taking the advice given above I’m now thinking a non integrated TT may be best. There is a used Roksan Xerxes 20 for sale with an Artemis arm which a hifi shop in Chester is selling. I may bid on that. Does anyone know what sort of stage I would need to connect this to my Nova PE? sorry I’m clueless when it comes to turntables…