Uniti 1 upgraded and qobuz

upgrade to DSM 6 is OK now and packages too

DSM 6.0.3 -8754

Java SE Embeded 8
1.8.0 -181-0048

4.1 -11

Bubble Server 0.9
(just re-installed

But problem is always here

I search on the BubbleServer side
Iā€™m confident

A side note: You should activate gapless playback. The old generation of unitis do support this fine.

For finding a hint what could be wrong you should check the bubble upnp server logfile. Activate it in the settings. Then stop and restart the server.

As I wrote above the logfile is located here:

You have to log into the NAS via telnet or ssh. As I see now you also can access the logfile via the GUI in /homes/bubbleupnp/appData/

There you should find an entry regarding ffmpeg.

I do not know if BUServer does look in the standard-DiskStation-paths for the command. At least it looks for /opt/bin/ffmpeg. So maybe you can define a symlink for this path via telnet/ssh:
mkdir /opt
mkdir /opt/bin
ln -s sourcepath /opt/bin/

To check which sourcepath you can use you should check for the most recent version by
/bin/ffmpeg -i
/volume1/@appstore/MediaServer/bin/ffmpeg -i

If the second path does not work you might need to escape the @ by a backslash ā€œ\ā€.

If the /homes/bubbleupnp/ directory does not exist you need to activate the homes setting in the synology settings. In german it is here:
Systemsteuerung - Benutzer - Erweitert

In English it should be something like
system settings - User - Advanced

Here you find ā€œBenutzerbasisā€ and a checkbox ā€œBenutzer-Home-Dienst aktivierenā€. This could be ā€œUser basisā€(?) and ā€œEnable user home serviceā€.

BubbleUPnP Server is very fussy on its ffmpeg build. I had to compile and link my own executable on my Pi for it to work, which is not unusual for Unix binaries. Plenty of guides on the web to assist you, it just takes several hours to do in a batch job. Various downloadable prelinked executables/binaries were not suitable and didnā€™t work with BubbleUPnP Server, although they were recognised by Bubble.

Hello Gert and Simon

After some new updates minor the problem is still here.
As all seems to be installed (Java 8 (JSE), Bubble Server and ffmpeg I suspect something wrong exactly in the direction youā€™ve pointedā€¦ (between Bubble Server and ffmpeg)

I have to take the time to check carrefully the log file
I will also check the path question (gert)
(The user home service is correctly enabled from start)

In the ā€œhardā€ way there is effectively some issues:
1-from search over the web Java may cause problem on my specific hardware
DS212 Marvell Kirkwood 88F6282 Cœur unique 1 Non 88f628x DDR3 256 Mo
2- for the question about ffmepg and BU server I need to improve my knowledge (Is it absolutely necessaryā€¦ and how to compile binariesā€¦ Iā€™m newby in this area)
I have to understand the main scheme ā€¦ and after going in details

For now
I can read all qobuz stream up to 24/192 in flac
and I can transcode in wav on the samsung tab ā€¦!
(Just have to set this in bubble upnp without BU server running)

we are ready for the goal

Hello Gert and Simon

Iā€™ve read the log file, BUT itā€™s something like chinese or hebrew for meā€¦
Andt as JJ CHAMPOLLIOn was born in Figeac near here, I do not despair!

Is it possible to send a private message on this forum to send you the log file ?
(there are a lot of informations about my system in this file (mac adress and more) so I hesitate to post it directly on this pageā€¦

Iā€™ve read the section about the openhome renderer created for my uniti

extract :
Manufacturer: Naim Audio Ltd. (Bubblesoft)
Manufacturer URL: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1118891
Model name: NaimUniti (OpenHome)
Model description: NaimUniti all-in-one audio player (OpenHome)

later in this section

ffmpeg version 2.7.1 Copyright Ā© 2000-2015 the FFmpeg developers
built with gcc 4.6.4 (Marvell GCC release 20150204-c4af733b 64K MAXPAGESIZE ALIGN CVE-2015-0235)
configuration: --prefix=/usr --incdir=ā€™${prefix}/include/ffmpegā€™ --arch=arm --target-os=linux --cross-prefix=/usr/local/arm-marvell-linux-gnueabi/bin/arm-marvell-linux-gnueabi- --enable-cross-compile --enable-optimizations --enable-pic --enable-gpl --enable-shared --disable-static --enable-version3 --enable-nonfree --enable-libfaac --enable-encoders --enable-pthreads --disable-bzlib --disable-protocol=rtp --disable-muxer=image2 --disable-muxer=image2pipe --disable-swscale-alpha --disable-ffserver --disable-ffplay --disable-devices --disable-bzlib --disable-altivec --enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-libopencore-amrwb --enable-libmp3lame --disable-vaapi --disable-decoder=amrnb --disable-decoder=ac3 --disable-decoder=ac3_fixed --disable-encoder=zmbv --disable-encoder=dca --disable-encoder=ac3 --disable-encoder=ac3_fixed --disable-encoder=eac3 --disable-decoder=dca --disable-decoder=eac3 --disable-decoder=truehd --cc=/usr/local/arm-marvell-linux-gnueabi/bin/arm-marvell-linux-gnueabi-ccache-gcc
libavutil 54. 27.100 / 54. 27.100
libavcodec 56. 41.100 / 56. 41.100
libavformat 56. 36.100 / 56. 36.100
libavdevice 56. 4.100 / 56. 4.100
libavfilter 5. 16.101 / 5. 16.101
libswscale 3. 1.101 / 3. 1.101
libswresample 1. 2.100 / 1. 2.100
libpostproc 53. 3.100 / 53. 3.100
Unrecognized option ā€˜hwaccelsā€™.
Error splitting the argument list: Option not found

[main (1) ] WARNING - 0:00:12.659 - .FFMpegUtils : runFFMPEG: error while running ffmpeg process: ffmpeg -hwaccels: com.bubblesoft.upnp.servlets.FFMpegUtils$FfmpegExecRetCodeException: runFFMPEG: ffmpeg error exit code=1
ffmpeg output:

ffmpeg version 2.7.1 Copyright Ā© 2000-2015 the FFmpeg developers
built with gcc 4.6.4 (Marvell GCC release 20150204-c4af733b 64K MAXPAGESIZE ALIGN CVE-2015-0235)
configuration: --prefix=/usr --incdir=ā€™${prefix}/include/ffmpegā€™ --arch=arm --target-os=linux --cross-prefix=/usr/local/arm-marvell-linux-gnueabi/bin/arm-marvell-linux-gnueabi- --enable-cross-compile --enable-optimizations --enable-pic --enable-gpl --enable-shared --disable-static --enable-version3 --enable-nonfree --enable-libfaac --enable-encoders --enable-pthreads --disable-bzlib --disable-protocol=rtp --disable-muxer=image2 --disable-muxer=image2pipe --disable-swscale-alpha --disable-ffserver --disable-ffplay --disable-devices --disable-bzlib --disable-altivec --enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-libopencore-amrwb --enable-libmp3lame --disable-vaapi --disable-decoder=amrnb --disable-decoder=ac3 --disable-decoder=ac3_fixed --disable-encoder=zmbv --disable-encoder=dca --disable-encoder=ac3 --disable-encoder=ac3_fixed --disable-encoder=eac3 --disable-decoder=dca --disable-decoder=eac3 --disable-decoder=truehd --cc=/usr/local/arm-marvell-linux-gnueabi/bin/arm-marvell-linux-gnueabi-ccache-gcc
libavutil 54. 27.100 / 54. 27.100
libavcodec 56. 41.100 / 56. 41.100
libavformat 56. 36.100 / 56. 36.100
libavdevice 56. 4.100 / 56. 4.100
libavfilter 5. 16.101 / 5. 16.101
libswscale 3. 1.101 / 3. 1.101
libswresample 1. 2.100 / 1. 2.100
libpostproc 53. 3.100 / 53. 3.100
Unrecognized option ā€˜hwaccelsā€™.
Error splitting the argument list: Option not found

[main (1) ] WARNING - 0:00:12.664 - .FFMpegUtils : ffmpeg output:

ffmpeg version 2.7.1 Copyright Ā© 2000-2015 the FFmpeg developers
built with gcc 4.6.4 (Marvell GCC release 20150204-c4af733b 64K MAXPAGESIZE ALIGN CVE-2015-0235)
configuration: --prefix=/usr --incdir=ā€™${prefix}/include/ffmpegā€™ --arch=arm --target-os=linux --cross-prefix=/usr/local/arm-marvell-linux-gnueabi/bin/arm-marvell-linux-gnueabi- --enable-cross-compile --enable-optimizations --enable-pic --enable-gpl --enable-shared --disable-static --enable-version3 --enable-nonfree --enable-libfaac --enable-encoders --enable-pthreads --disable-bzlib --disable-protocol=rtp --disable-muxer=image2 --disable-muxer=image2pipe --disable-swscale-alpha --disable-ffserver --disable-ffplay --disable-devices --disable-bzlib --disable-altivec --enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-libopencore-amrwb --enable-libmp3lame --disable-vaapi --disable-decoder=amrnb --disable-decoder=ac3 --disable-decoder=ac3_fixed --disable-encoder=zmbv --disable-encoder=dca --disable-encoder=ac3 --disable-encoder=ac3_fixed --disable-encoder=eac3 --disable-decoder=dca --disable-decoder=eac3 --disable-decoder=truehd --cc=/usr/local/arm-marvell-linux-gnueabi/bin/arm-marvell-linux-gnueabi-ccache-gcc
libavutil 54. 27.100 / 54. 27.100
libavcodec 56. 41.100 / 56. 41.100
libavformat 56. 36.100 / 56. 36.100
libavdevice 56. 4.100 / 56. 4.100
libavfilter 5. 16.101 / 5. 16.101
libswscale 3. 1.101 / 3. 1.101
libswresample 1. 2.100 / 1. 2.100
libpostproc 53. 3.100 / 53. 3.100
Unrecognized option ā€˜hwaccelsā€™.
Error splitting the argument list: Option not found

[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:12.679 - .Main : ffmpeg doesnā€™t support the -hwaccels option
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:12.736 - .Main : ffmpeg supports matroska encoding
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:12.737 - .Main : ffmpeg supports mpegts encoding
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:12.936 - .Main : ffmpeg supports -id3v2_version option
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:12.939 - .Main : ffmpeg supports the -seekable option
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:12.941 - .Main : ffmpeg supports the -codec option
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:12.942 - .Main : ffmpeg supports the -ignore_unknown option
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:12.986 - .Main : ffmpeg supports the scale video filter
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:13.28 - .Main : ffmpeg supports the aac_adtstoasc bitstream filter
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:13.35 - .Main : ffprobe not found
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:13.469 - .Options : successfully got WAN IP Address
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:13.504 - .Options : gateway: (176-153-223-5.abo.bbox.fr)
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:14.6 - .b : created Super Media Server local device
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:14.51 - .b : created BubbleUPnP Server local device
[cling-2 (311) ] INFO - 0:00:14.288 - .c :

as you can see the log file seems to report several error about ffmpeg process
(in example ā€œUnrecognized option ā€˜hwaccelsā€™.ā€

Simon Gert do you understand what this happens from this ?

You ffmpeg looks way out of date. I got some pre-built binaries from here that work great for me on my RasPi. Youā€™ll need to match the appropriate binary to your CPU on your NAS.


I very briefly ran Bubble on my QNAP NAS (without transcoding) and it wasnā€™t as good (poorer SQ) as on my old laptop. So I got a RasPi to do the job and my NAS is just for Music storage and Asset.

This topic off the old forum may also help.

I would try the following:

  • Enable the ssh login in the synology settings
  • Use ā€œssh admin@yournasā€ to login. I have read that ssh is already available in windows 10, too. The password is the same as when logging into the web GUI.
  • ā€œsudo -iā€ again with the same password to become the root user.
  • ā€œmkdir /optā€
  • ā€œmkdir /opt/binā€
  • ā€œ/volume1/@appstore/MediaServer/bin/ffmpeg -iā€ to check if the mediaserver ffmpeg version is newer. (Make sure the media server package is installed in the synology package center.)
  • Create a symlink to the ffmpeg version: ā€œln -s /volume1/@appstore/MediaServer/bin/ffmpeg /opt/bin/ā€

Now when restarting BUServer you should find a more recent version of ffmpeg mentioned in the logfile.

If the path that contains the @ character is a problem you might need to escape it by a leading backslash.

If this version still is not good enough, you might need to try to install a newer version via the ipkg command as described in the linked howtos of the BUServer homepage.

Gert, Guinnless
Thanks for input
I will try this this evening
I keep you informed

I use Putty for SSH connection from a laptop under vista :frowning :frowning:
But I had a problem to install Putty (putty-0.71-installer.msi refuse to launch)
So Iā€™ve installed directly putty.exe in a program file folder and I have to launch it fro a command lineā€¦

Guinnless your installation of BU server on a Raspberry Pi is really interresting.
Because my Nas is not up to date its processor is not very powerfullā€¦
My goal is to install Bu Server on it and see if all works fineā€¦
But a Raspberry Pi could be a great alternative solution
I will keep this in my memoryā€¦ and perhaps it could be a great project for me

I had BUServer running on a DS213+. This was very slow and did not work so well. I think the problem was the RAM of only 256MB. On my new NAS DS418play with 2GB RAM (and a faster CPU) it works really good.


(Iā€™ve noted your point about DS213+ and DS418ā€¦)

Here is the result about checking MediaServer version og ffmpeg:
seems to be 2.7.1

root@DS212_JL:~# /volume1/@appstore/MediaServer/bin/ffmpeg -i
ffmpeg version 2.7.1 Copyright Ā© 2000-2015 the FFmpeg developers
built with gcc 4.6.4 (Marvell GCC release 20150204-c4af733b 64K MAXPAGESIZE AL IGN CVE-2015-0235)
configuration: --prefix=/usr/pkg --incdir=ā€™${prefix}/include/ffmpegā€™ --arch=ar m --target-os=linux --cross-prefix=/usr/local/arm-marvell-linux-gnueabi/bin/arm- marvell-linux-gnueabi- --enable-cross-compile --enable-optimizations --enable-pi c --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --enable-nonfree --enable-libfaac --enable-enco ders --enable-pthreads --disable-muxer=image2 --disable-muxer=image2pipe --disab le-swscale-alpha --disable-ffplay --disable-doc --disable-devices --disable-bzli b --disable-altivec --enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-libopencore-amrwb --enab le-libmp3lame --disable-decoder=amrnb --disable-encoder=zmbv --disable-encoder=d ca --disable-encoder=ac3 --disable-encoder=ac3_fixed --disable-encoder=eac3 --di sable-decoder=eac3 --disable-encoder=truehd --disable-decoder=truehd --cc=/usr/l ocal/arm-marvell-linux-gnueabi/bin/arm-marvell-linux-gnueabi-ccache-gcc --enable -shared --disable-static --enable-libshine --enable-libfdk-aac
libavutil 54. 27.100 / 54. 27.100
libavcodec 56. 41.100 / 56. 41.100
libavformat 56. 36.100 / 56. 36.100
libavdevice 56. 4.100 / 56. 4.100
libavfilter 5. 16.101 / 5. 16.101
libswscale 3. 1.101 / 3. 1.101
libswresample 1. 2.100 / 1. 2.100
libpostproc 53. 3.100 / 53. 3.100
Missing argument for option ā€˜iā€™.
Error splitting the argument list: Invalid argument

but iā€™ve detected a second directory in @appstore named ffmpeg
so iā€™ve also checked this one

root@DS212_JL:~# /volume1/@appstore/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg -i
ffmpeg version 4.1 Copyright Ā© 2000-2018 the FFmpeg developers
built with gcc 4.6.4 (Marvell GCC release 20150204-c4af733b 64K MAXPAGESIZE ALIGN CVE-2015-0235)
configuration: --target-os=linux --cross-prefix=/spksrc/toolchains/syno-88f6281-6.1/work/arm-marvell-linux-gnueabi/bin/arm-marvell-linux-gnueabi- --prefix=/var/packages/ffmpeg/target --extra-cflags=-I/spksrc/spk/ffmpeg/work-88f6281-6.1/install/var/packages/ffmpeg/target/include --extra-ldflags=-L/spksrc/spk/ffmpeg/work-88f6281-6.1/install/var/packages/ffmpeg/target/lib --extra-libs=ā€™-lxml2 -ldlā€™ --pkg-config=/usr/bin/pkg-config --ranlib=/spksrc/toolchains/syno-88f6281-6.1/work/arm-marvell-linux-gnueabi/bin/arm-marvell-linux-gnueabi-ranlib --enable-cross-compile --enable-rpath --enable-pic --enable-shared --enable-gpl --enable-fontconfig --enable-libass --enable-libbluray --enable-avresample --enable-libfreetype --enable-libfribidi --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopus --enable-libsoxr --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --enable-gnutls --disable-debug --disable-doc --disable-static --arch=arm --disable-neon --disable-yasm --disable-asm
libavutil 56. 22.100 / 56. 22.100
libavcodec 58. 35.100 / 58. 35.100
libavformat 58. 20.100 / 58. 20.100
libavdevice 58. 5.100 / 58. 5.100
libavfilter 7. 40.101 / 7. 40.101
libavresample 4. 0. 0 / 4. 0. 0
libswscale 5. 3.100 / 5. 3.100
libswresample 3. 3.100 / 3. 3.100
libpostproc 55. 3.100 / 55. 3.100
Missing argument for option ā€˜iā€™.
Error splitting the argument list: Invalid argument

AND now the version is newer (4.1)

and so iā€™ve created the symlink for this path
"ln -s /volume1/@appstore/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg /opt/bin/

but the log file always indicates the same version 2.7.1ā€¦

In fact the correct path is simply /bin

So iā€™ve created the symlink pointed on that path
Next Iā€™ve removed the ffmpeg executable in /MediaServer/bin
(after a copy of that file in a shared directory to save it)
Next Iā€™ve created a symlink in /MediaServer/bin pointed on the latest ffmpeg executable loaclised in my /@appstore/ffmpeg/bin directory

at the en Iā€™ve relaunched my NAS (from web GUI)

But my probleme with BUserver remains

It could be a question of compilation as Simon says or there is somthing wrong on my installation (as these redundant ffmepg excutable with several versionsā€¦

an idea ?

here is an extract of my new LOG file
(thatā€™s now better)

[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:13.485 - .Main : using ffmpeg binaries from: system PATH
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:15.120 - .Main : ffmpeg version 4.1 Copyright Ā© 2000-2018 the FFmpeg developers
built with gcc 4.6.4 (Marvell GCC release 20150204-c4af733b 64K MAXPAGESIZE ALIGN CVE-2015-0235)
configuration: --target-os=linux --cross-prefix=/spksrc/toolchains/syno-88f6281-6.1/work/arm-marvell-linux-gnueabi/bin/arm-marvell-linux-gnueabi- --prefix=/var/packages/ffmpeg/target --extra-cflags=-I/spksrc/spk/ffmpeg/work-88f6281-6.1/install/var/packages/ffmpeg/target/include --extra-ldflags=-L/spksrc/spk/ffmpeg/work-88f6281-6.1/install/var/packages/ffmpeg/target/lib --extra-libs=ā€™-lxml2 -ldlā€™ --pkg-config=/usr/bin/pkg-config --ranlib=/spksrc/toolchains/syno-88f6281-6.1/work/arm-marvell-linux-gnueabi/bin/arm-marvell-linux-gnueabi-ranlib --enable-cross-compile --enable-rpath --enable-pic --enable-shared --enable-gpl --enable-fontconfig --enable-libass --enable-libbluray --enable-avresample --enable-libfreetype --enable-libfribidi --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopus --enable-libsoxr --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --enable-gnutls --disable-debug --disable-doc --disable-static --arch=arm --disable-neon --disable-yasm --disable-asm
libavutil 56. 22.100 / 56. 22.100
libavcodec 58. 35.100 / 58. 35.100
libavformat 58. 20.100 / 58. 20.100
libavdevice 58. 5.100 / 58. 5.100
libavfilter 7. 40.101 / 7. 40.101
libavresample 4. 0. 0 / 4. 0. 0
libswscale 5. 3.100 / 5. 3.100
libswresample 3. 3.100 / 3. 3.100
libpostproc 55. 3.100 / 55. 3.100

[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:15.149 - .Main : ffmpeg supports SoX resampler
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:15.334 - .Main : ffmpeg supports mp3 encoding (libmp3lame)
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:15.337 - .Main : ffmpeg supports libvorbis encoder
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:15.339 - .Main : ffmpeg supports opus encoder
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:15.341 - .Main : ffmpeg supports flac encoder
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:15.343 - .Main : ffmpeg supports libx264 software encoder
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:15.346 - .Main : ffmpeg doesnā€™t support h264_nvenc hardware encoder
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:15.348 - .Main : ffmpeg doesnā€™t support h264_qsv hardware encoder
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:15.350 - .Main : ffmpeg supports experimental aac encoder
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:15.562 - .Main : ffmpeg doesnā€™t support cuvid hardware decoders
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:15.565 - .Main : ffmpeg doesnā€™t support qsv hardware decoders
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:15.665 - .Main : ffmpeg doesnā€™t support cuvid hardware accel
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:15.667 - .Main : ffmpeg doesnā€™t support qsv hardware accel
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:15.803 - .Main : ffmpeg supports matroska encoding
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:15.806 - .Main : ffmpeg supports mpegts encoding
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:16.308 - .Main : ffmpeg supports -id3v2_version option
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:16.324 - .Main : ffmpeg supports the -seekable option
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:16.326 - .Main : ffmpeg supports the -codec option
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:16.328 - .Main : ffmpeg supports the -ignore_unknown option
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:16.433 - .Main : ffmpeg supports the scale video filter
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:16.541 - .Main : ffmpeg supports the aac_adtstoasc bitstream filter
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:16.557 - .Main : ffprobe not found
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:17.258 - .Options : successfully got WAN IP Address
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:17.313 - .Options : gateway: (176-153-223-5.abo.bbox.fr)
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:18.71 - .b : created Super Media Server local device
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:18.189 - .b : created BubbleUPnP Server local device
[cling-4 (15) ] INFO - 0:00:18.609 - .c :

Manufacturer: Bubblesoft
Manufacturer URL: http://bubblesoftapps.com/bubbleupnpserver/
Model name: BubbleUPnP Server Services
Model description: BubbleUPnP Server Services
Model number: 0.9-update31
UDN: 0d15c78f-3616-edcc-ffff-ffffc893b8c3

Status tab of BubbleServer web page manager show ā€œyesā€ for all 3 transcoding support
Audio, video , image
(in the past video wasnā€™t supported)

[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:17.246 - .Main : ffprobe not found

Ah !!!

Iā€™ve created a symlink to point ffprobe in /bin

THATā€™s All folks !!!

Now all works fine
I will check if the NAS works correctly (processor charge)

and for now London Symphony Orchestra plays Dvorak ā€¦
Synphonie du Nouveau monde
a symbol :smile: (not a symlink :wink:

Great. Congratulation! Good to know that ffprobe is also required.

Great work.

Also heck for memory and CPU usage whilst itā€™s playing.

Thanks youā€™ve indicate me the way !!
But It was not so easy for me as Iā€™ve discovered UNIX commands (no so far than old DOS command, but DOS was in a first life for meā€¦)

Just for info
here is what ffprob do
all details :
ffprobe gathers information from multimedia streams and prints it in human- and machine-readable fashion.
For example it can be used to check the format of the container used by a multimedia stream and the format and type of each media stream contained in it.

I would like to see if Uniti stream in this way PCMā€¦ (LPDM option)
just I have to force this in BBServer configā€¦

I havnā€™t recent feedback from BBserver / Upnp developerā€¦
But he said that itā€™s possible to transcode for an UPnp/DLNA classic renderer (not by default) but the best way is to use an OpenHome renderer
I donā€™t know whyā€¦
Iā€™ve asked the questionā€¦

You should share your experience with a Rasperry PI (model, OS, installation etcā€¦) or just start configuring preconfigured devices for sale
Iā€™m sure there are people interrested by installing this but wiithout to open the command line :wink:

And of course I will check memory and cPU usage
This morning I was arround 30 % for CPU
But not enough time to study this carrefullyā€¦

I am not sure what you mean. If you want to see the format that uniti is streaming you can either toggle the display by pressing the ā€œiā€ on the remote multiple times. One of the screen tells you the streamed format. Or it should be displayed in the naim app IIRC. At least the lumin app displays the currently used format.

This is not what I mean
(yes the Uniti Display what format is read)

Actually when I listen a CD the format used is LPCM ( Linear Pulse Code Modulation)
The CD offers LPCM at 44.1Khz / 16Bits quality, DVD Video offers 48Khz / 24bit LPCM, DVD-Audio and Blu-Ray offer a 192Khz / 24bit LPCM which is considered the high definition audio format. closer to the natural spectrum.

As iā€™ve read in the LOG file UNITI support LPCM (of course)
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:21.248 - .a : Uniti-D175: protocolInfo: http-get::audio/L16;rate=44100;channels=1:DLNA.ORG_PN=LPCM,http-get::audio/L16;rate=44100;channels=2:DLNA.ORG_PN=LPCM,http-get::audio/L16;rate=48000;channels=1:DLNA.ORG_PN=LPCM,http-get::audio/L16;rate=48000;channels=2:DLNA.ORG_PN=LPCM,http-get::audio/L16;rate=96000;channels=1:DLNA.ORG_PN=LPCM,http-get::audio/L16;rate=96000;channels=2:DLNA.ORG_PN=LPCM,http-get::audio/L16;rate=88200;channels=1:DLNA.ORG_PN=LPCM,http-get::audio/L16;rate=88200;channels=2:DLNA.ORG_PN=LPCM,http-get::audio/L24;rate=44100;channels=1:DLNA.ORG_PN=LPCM,http-get::audio/L24;rate=44100;channels=2:DLNA.ORG_PN=LPCM,http-get::audio/L24;rate=48000;channels=1:DLNA.ORG_PN=LPCM,http-get::audio/L24;rate=48000;channels=2:DLNA.ORG_PN=LPCM,http-get::audio/L24;rate=96000;channels=1:DLNA.ORG_PN=LPCM,http-get::audio/L24;rate=96000;channels=2:DLNA.ORG_PN=LPCM,http-get::audio/L24;rate=88200;channels=1:DLNA.ORG_PN=LPCM,http-get::audio/L24;rate=88200;channels=2:DLNA.ORG_PN=LPCM,http-get::audio/mpeg:DLNA.ORG_PN=MP3,http-get::audio/wav:,http-get::audio/x-mpegurl:,http-get::audio/x-ms-wma:DLNA.ORG_PN=WMABASE,http-get::audio/x-ms-wma:DLNA.ORG_PN=WMAFULL,http-get::application/ogg:,http-get::audio/mp4:,http-get::audio/x-flac:,http-wavetunes::audio/x-ms-wma:,http-get::audio/x-aiff:,http-get::audio/x-m4a:,http-get::audio/dsd:,http-get::audio/x-dsd:,http-get::audio/x-dsf:,http-get::audio/x-dff:,http-get::application/x-mpegurl:,http-get::audio/x_pm_flac:*
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:21.264 - .a : Uniti-D175: adding audio/x-dsf and audio/x-dff due to audio/x-dsd presence
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:21.345 - .a : Uniti-D175: max samplerate: -1, supports 24-bit: true, supports multichannel: true
[main (1) ] INFO - 0:00:21.346 - .a : Uniti-D175: supported mime-types: [audio/lpcm, audio/l16, audio/L16, audio/l24, audio/L24, application/x-mp3, audio/x-mpg, audio/mpeg, audio/mpg, application/mpeg3, application/mpeg, audio/x-mp3, audio/mp3, audio/x-mpeg3, application/mp3, audio/x-mpegaudio, audio/x-mpeg, audio/mpeg3, audio/wave, application/x-wav, audio/x-wav, application/wave, audio/x-wave, application/wav, application/x-wave, audio/wav, audio/x-mpegurl, application/wma, application/x-ms-wma, audio/wma, audio/x-ms-wma, application/x-ogg, audio/ogg, application/ogg, audio/x-ogg, audio/vorbis, application/x-mp4, audio/m4a, application/mpeg4, audio/x-mp4, audio/mp4, application/x-m4p, application/x-m4a, application/x-m4b, audio/x-m4p, audio/x-m4a, audio/x-m4b, audio/mpeg4, audio/flac, audio/x-flac, application/x-flac, application/flac, application/aif, audio/x-aiff, audio/x-aifc, application/aiff, audio/aiff, audio/aif, audio/x-aif, application/x-aif, audio/aifc, application/x-aiff, audio/dsd, audio/x-dsd, audio/dsf, audio/x-dsf, audio/x-dff, audio/dff, application/vnd.apple.mpegurl, application/x-mpegurl, audio/x_pm_flac]

AND in the configuration of the OpenHome renderer there is 3 choices possible for ā€œformatā€
Iā€™m curious what happen if I choose LPCM (actally Iā€™ve forced to wav)

The WAV format is a container format capable of receiving audio streams as varied as MP3, AC-3, ATRAC, ADPCM, PCM. The latter being by far the most common, .wav files are often - and therefore wrongly - considered as corresponding to ā€œlosslessā€ audio files.

So I can suppose LPCM can work directlyā€¦without to contain it in wav formatā€¦
Thatā€™s my questionā€¦
and this evening I will have my responseā€¦

in addition at equal sample rate (16/44) I prefer the render from CD than from stream on my UNITI
This WHY iā€™m so curious
(in the past from this forum Iā€™ve heard the uniti doesnā€™t use the same converter for the CD source than the stream sourceā€¦ perhaps a ā€œfake newsā€ perhaps an illusion ā€¦
But at this point itā€™s easy to tryā€¦
(by the way my wife offers a neutral point of view (of hearing in this case) :slight_smile:

And she make the difference between 16/44 and more (24/48) for specifics tracks (also seen in concert recently)
as exemple :
Youn Sun Nah
Mystic River


She will like this on our new wav player in 24/48 :star_struck:

next step Upgrading our NAP 250.2 to ā€œdrā€
But for this Itā€™s a question of money not computer managingā€¦

AUTO is the recommended value by Bubble. They only recommend changing it if you have issues and their are none on Naim Network players. :slight_smile:

And you are right WAV is just a container. But it seems to be common parlance now for lossless, uncompressed files.