Uniti Star recurring issues


I have had a Uniti Star for several years, bought second hand from an authorized dealer, who said first owner used it primarily for streaming. The unit worked flawlessly for quite a while and I was very happy with it, until it stopped reading/ripping CDs reliably, and until the the analogue inputs also stopped working reliably. Most times now when I insert a CD, it is not recognized and I get the “loading” message when I check the drive. The analogue inputs are not working at all, currently. I have tried powering down, unplugging overnight, factory resets, checking for firmware updates, all to no avail. I did take the Star back to my dealer last year to have it checked. They sent it to Focal/Naim and their technicians could find nothing wrong with it. The dealer got it back and tried it and found no issues. When I got it home I tried it and the CD drive and analogue inputs worked well but now after about a month they work only intermittently.
Have any Star owners encountered similar symptoms? If so, might there be something I am missing regarding a workaround or solution?

Sorry for the long-winded post. Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,


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Plenty of people have had issues particularly with using the unity star as a ripper

Thank you for your reply. From the links you have shared it seems that some owners accept that the CD/ripper drive will fail, which is not encouraging. Does anyone have experience with the Analogue inputs failing, or working intermittently? With the exception of an old CD5, I have not encountered any issues with Naim gear I have owned.

Thanks again

My own experience with the two Stars I had (the replacement repaired and returned more faulty after a few hours) pushed me to lose faith in the CD and move to a Nova fed by an inexpensive third-party CD transport (and I’ll rip from my laptop). What with the input trouble too I’d reckon your unit is broken and needs returning.

That’s odd. Don’t see any reason the Star would be any less reliable than the Core, and this hasn’t been an issue with the Core(?)

It was, for me, principally the cd drive refusing to take cds. And refuse to eject them. I didn’t trust it after two. I now like the simplicity of my little project e, it’s far easier to use.

My Core stopped ripping reliably refused to eject CDs without resort to a pin in the hole. It also rattled while I was packing it to send back to Naim. When it came back it was with the message that they could find nothing wrong with it, it was working perfectly and the rattle had gone.

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