Vinyl releases on pre order

Black Uhuru - Live at Soledad Prison, Tabou 1 (2024)

As this was recorded by a Radio Station KUSP in California I’m hoping the quality is going to be ok but perhaps best to wait for some reviews first. It was broadcast live from Soledad Prison, California during the bands first US tour in 1982.


It will be interesting to hear how this one sounds. Not recorded by Van Gelder and with a somewhat strange ‘spacey’ sound. I look forward to comparing it with the Liberty.

I have an original of this one, which I found around 10 years ago in near mint condition at a charity shop in the local town here. I’ve just realised that I have yet to give it a listen! I shall make a note to dig it out and do so…

Fantastic record - one of Land/Hutcherson’s best IMO, with some really good compositions. One of Chick Corea’s best too !

I’ve got various vinyl versions, original Liberty, blue label UA (really good, surprisingly) and French DMM. Plus CD !

Alice In Chains - Jar of Flies EP (30th anniversary re-issue)

Placed an order for this as it comes out in a few days. I’ve only ever streamed it so I’m looking forward to owning a copy.


Duke Jordan - Lover Man, SteepleChase Records (2024)

Recorded in 1975 with the excellent Sam Jones and Al Foster and released in Denmark in 1979 will this reissue improve on the original probably not SteepleChase releases where almost always top quality that aside the music itself is wonderful.

Despite what Miles Davis said Duke Jordan is an incredible Jazz piano player and during his long relationship with SteepleChase produced and wrote some top class records and Lover Man is no exception.


Rasmus Sorensen, Alexander Claffy, Kendrick Scott - Balancing Act, April (2024)

Not sure about the label but the musicians and the music are both excellent and for £20 worth a punt.


Chet Baker & Jack Sheldon - The Lost Tapes, Elemental RSD (2024)

Another Zev Feldman, Jazz Detective lost tapes RSD release on Elemental this time from 1972 will it be any good? The first release from it Too Blue isn’t promising Jack Sheldon sings and Chet sounds quiet, reticent and nervous and is pretty much overdubbed by Jack Sheldon’s playing.

It is very, very early in Chet’s comeback career after pretty much disappearing from music after loosing his teeth six years earlier and it sounds like a once great trumpeter who six years ago lost his teeth nervously trying to play again and it doesn’t sound great.

I’ll listen to the whole record when it streams but if ‘Too Blue’ is anything to go by as a Chet collector it only has an historical interest.


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NYC is such a modern place, it always takes me aback to see those low-tech water storage tanks everywhere!

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paraît le 29 mars 2024

Altin Sencalar - trombone
Diego Rivera - tenor saxophone
Markus Howell - alto saxophone; soprano saxophone 5
Anthony Hervey - trumpet
Michael Dease - baritone saxophone 3, 7
Art Hirahara - piano
Raul Reyes Bueno - bass
Rudy Royston - drums
Pete Rodríguez - congas and percussion

producer Marc Free
engineer Nick O’Toole
recorded May 21, 2023 at Acoustic Recording, Brooklyn, NY
mixed & mastered at Woodland Studio, Lake Oswego, OR

The track « Maiden Voyage « is very good. Perhaps nicer than the Herbie’s one.

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Jo Armon-Jones - Wrong Side of Town, Aquarii (2024)

The first in a series of releases that celebrate Dub Reggae Music Wrong Side of Town brings together some of the most talented musicians from their genres Nubya Garcia, Hak Baker, Horseman and producer Prince Fatty. Only 4 tracks but Nubya’s Nubya’s Side of Town is worth the price on it’s own.

Lee Scratch Perry x Bob Riddim - Destiny, Diggers Factory (2024)

Hope the vinyl issue lives up to the stream because the stream is excellent.

** Apocalyptica - Plays Metallica, Vol 2**

Apocalyptica returning to their roots is an instant-buy for me.

NB: The Earache web store has the vinyl priced as the CD version, a clear error, so grab a copy before the price gets re-adjusted. I know I did.

This annoucement is huge, and amazing for classical fans, especially of Bruckner.

Bruckner, Karajan, Berliner!!!


Oh dear, another must buy for me! Karajan’s recorded legacy was patchy, and he made some dreadful-sounding records (his DG remake of Holst’s ‘The Planets’ with glassy strings was a low point, after his much earlier Vienna PO recording for Decca), but he was an unarguably great Bruckner conductor.


Yeah, his Bruckner is well worth getting. I have the OG 9-LP set, and the sound quality leaves something to be desired. I look forward to this new set. They are also increasing it from 9-LPs to 17-LPs to avoid squeezing the sides in too much. That means they will be able to get good bass.

Can’t wait to hear those amazing brass choirs, especially in the 8th. Berliner brass section unleashed!

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Some famous conductor - it could well have been Beecham, given the wit of the remark - said words to the effect of “Never look at the brass, it only encourages them”.


PS: I checked on Google, which attributes the quote to Richard Strauss, but he referred only to trombones. Anyone who knows ‘Der Rosenkavalier’ will know that he spoke from experience.


Hank Mobley - Workout, BN Classic Series (2024)


Stanley Turrentine & Three Sounds - BN/Classical Series


I have the Music Matters 33 of this. I’ve just never warmed up to it, or anything by The Three Sounds for that matter.

Workout is essential, classic Blue Note.