Volume bug in latest Naim control app?

Update from Naim Support.

The new app wasn’t tested on any legacy stteamers like the UQ2 because they don’t have any left to test with. :thinking:

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An interesting development……

For the record:

  • Affects all non UPnP sources.
  • Works correctly on my Muso Qb2 so almost certainly an issue with old platform Unitis.

I’ve only just sent them a video showing the issue to help them understand. So give it a week or so for a reply.

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A worrying development…

Can you downgrade to an older version of the app to retain correct operation?

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You can use an old EOS Android phone that doesn’t support the latest app.

I’m sure they’ll fix it. Software has bugs. It happens.


I think @HiFiman may be interested in this per his recent thread?

My SL2s have died! - Hi-Fi Corner - Naim Audio - Community

Although he has a current streamer, not a legacy one…:thinking:

Yes, though it’s a technically unrelated problem. Apart from the fact it involves how volume works, the two issues have nothing in common at all.

I don’t believe that issue with the SL2s was even accurately root caused and determined to be an app issue necessarily.

Just to clarify…this is occurring with Android, any evidence it might be present on iOS. I could try with my UQ2 with iOS of a couple of different vintages if that would help.

You can try. It might help clarify the scope of the issue. I’m not even sure if is all Android devices either. Though affecting only old streamer control and only on Android seems unlikely I’m sure it’s not impossible.

Just open the app and select any source on a UQ2. If the master volume slider shows it is set to max, then you’ve reproduced it… Assuming you don’t actually have your UQ2 set to max :sweat_smile:

Sorry. The implications go well beyond a software bug.

Are you absolutely sure that’s what has been communicated? The new app has not been tested on legacy streamers?

What’s the best case scenario here, 30-50% (or more) of installed/sold streamers have not been tested with a major rewrite of the primary control app?

If that’s true I’m frankly astounded. How will any future iterations be tested for Apple or Andriod if they don’t have a single legacy streamer?

I’ve got a Core, Uniti Atom and a 272 living fairly happily together, how long before that won’t be the case?

I have it in writing, yes.

While that’s not great, bugs happen. Exact words were,

We no longer have legacy Naim products for testing, as they are discontinued.

But I’m confident a solution will emerge. I’m not losing sleep over it.

Fine, don’t support older products.

But hey, do us a favour and don’t break them.

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Just fired up UQ2 - anyway opening the iOS app - volume was at the level of the unit - not max.
Would that likely provide some idea on the iOS app?

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I’m sure they’ll find it useful for troubleshooting. I’ll pass it along. Thanks :+1:

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Beta testers will likely have a cross section of different streamers, first gen, second gen and NC.
Unable to comment further, in accordance with the direction given regarding beta testing.

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But they haven’t refused support. They gave me a case number and are looking into it. And they admitted to an oversight in testing rather than BSed me. As far as I tell, they are supporting the issue until they say otherwise.


The iOS 7.0 App was beta tested on NDS, NDX, Qb1 and very likely other legacy platform streamers. Why Naim would say it hadn’t been tested is a mystery, because it has. The beta testers have all sorts of equipment.

Also on 272 and SuperUniti, speaking personally.

Thanks folks.

If there’s a gap in reviewing Android functionality I’m happy to help. I don’t just complain! :laughing: