Vtuner down

Internet Radio is back here (The Netherlands) with logos for all stations. The performance seems similar as before the outage. All on an Atom HE.


Radio 4 (HD) seems out for me again this morning in the U.K.
back to airplay.

No BBC channels in Oxfordshire just now. Most other stations seem to be available. Router re-booted but no change.

Back to normal in Italy :it:

Everything working again in Holland here. Uniti Atom.

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BBC not working on QB in Wiltshire

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Naim internet radio is down yet again here in the UK after briefly sparking into life last night. Shame that a company that makes boxes capable of producing such a wonderful sound frequently struggles to provide said boxes with a signal, e.g. monotonously regular internet radio outages, a controlling app which was absolutely appalling for years.
My Naim products are again failing to meet their sales specification.

BBC stations not working 8:15 a.m. up here in Yorkshire. Have power cycled Uniti Atom.

(Two black flags about vtuner:

  • Their website is from the stone age. No attempt to reconfigure itself for mobile devices. Are they still in the last century?

  • I emailed their support line a month or so ago about a couple of local stations not working. Never received any response.)

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Ditto, Wiltshire

Same here in west Wilts. This is beyond stupid.

Oh dear, spoke too soon, all the BBC channels are off, but others like RP, Naim and Linn Jazz, and a few more overseas stations I checked are all OK.
I tried a reboot as advised by @Stevesky, but no luck with that.
Happy to say NAT-05 is my normal BBC player

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Sorry Richard but BBC Radio doesn’t seem to be working for me. Unfortunate as Naim is a British company and presumably has the majority of its customers in the U.K.

Do these VTuner people have some liability here?

I was joking :wink:

Back up and running in Germany. At least Radio Paradise and WFMT Chicago

Apparently these problems only come from the BBC. Simple : Do not listen to it , better world internet radio ! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Wish now that I had taken the option of including an FM/DAB tuner insert into my Uniti Star when initially purchased!

BBC radio stations working OK in the Bristol area?

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Radio 4 and 6 were fine last night but neither worked this morning. Did the power down reset as suggested by @Richard.Dane in a post above and they are back on both my Star and 222.