Vtuner down

That’s a silly thing to say. No one spends 500k of whatever unspecified currency just to listen to iradio. Surely you have other sources such as streaming services or your own locally stored music. Besides, you could also use Airplay to connect from your tablet to your Naim streamer.


Costs nothing?

I’m sure Naim have to pay for the service and that cost is added/passed on to Naim customers when they buy Naim streamers.

But as others have mentioned numerous times there are work arounds. (it’s a very small hill….)

First World problem.
It will be fixed. Just be patient.



Thank you for this tip, do you have the pro version ?

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Morning and after the Christmas festivities, happy leftovers day!!

Not sure if this would be better suited for another thread….a plan B on radio listening! I’m chuffed that in the 21st century,radio is still an important source for many.
Apart from casting, starting from the very low cost working upwards what other ways are there of listening to radio? I’m kind of thinking something that can plug into our streamers (would a Firestick work?) to feed our healthy radio diets!!! Roon for me works as a plan B as well.

Why are you arguing semantics? The principle is the same and you know it is. To come here and kick off at naim about a free service that went tits up is out of order. Whether the service is providing links or paid streaming tracks, if it goes wrong its up to you, the owner of said equipment to have a back up plan no one else. The back up plan is cheap, effective and easy to implement.

Take responsibility.


There are these amazing new devices available now called radios :wink:


Interesting point.
If they were really hacked or so they should have communicated accordingly - acceptance for these ongoing outages would have been much higher …

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I think a NAT-01 would look rather nice on your rack, Dusty.


In my time Naim streaming I haven’t had this problem prior to this, so maybe it’s a one off with vtuner.

I am using bluetooth from phone to nd5xs2 into nds as dac. It’s a temporary solution. Am looking at chromecast for better quality. I didn’t previously have a back up to vtuner. For those less tech savy than me and I am not great, this will be a major problem to many I would imagine.

Its down! Its up! Its down again today! I appreciate that Naim are trying to resolve things. There are a couple of other companies who chose not to stand by their customers when other similar services were withdrawn ( Roberts radio and Technics Ottava) so I hope that Naim will keep faith with us.

I can’t help reflect that there is great risk that modern internet services in general are built on shifting sand. We don’t actually rely on the great choices in entertainment but we do rely on government and private company services to maintain our health and environment which are, in my opinion, over dependent on internet communication shortcuts and ill-considered computer driven de-manning.


In a roundabout way this is why I download music purchases, and don’t rely on streaming only.



Mu-so 1st gen, down in Florence Italy. Started choppy transmission on the 24th evening and blacked out since then.

O, very good :joy::joy:


Agreed Clive, I suspect my wife thinks I’ve spent enough…although never say never :wink:

I know it may not seem very important but overslept today. Why? Muso 1st gen is bedside, alarm clock only selects iradio as source (I think).So what happens when iradio is down?

Down again? Yesterday in the Netherlands I could listen to the station that is running currently a top 2000 list op populair music. But now it does not work again. VTuner is giving an Internal 500 error on selecting NPO Radio2

To repeat my reply to your previous use of this ridiculous term, suggesting a £20k streamer had become a brick (now a whole 500 system): Who buys such a system solely and wxclusively for internet radio? And even if that was their preferred use at any particular time, at least they can still stream from online services like Tidal, Qobuz or Spotify if they subscribe, and from their own locally stored music, so hardly making it a “brick”

The potential loss of online services is one reason I have often cited as to why I would not even consider switching to them and abandoning my own store of favourite music (though my observations on this previously only referred to on-demand streaming sources rather than internet radio, never recognising radio as more than an add-on).


I always have a backup alarm if getting up at any particular time is critical, set slightly later, and one of the two not relying on mains electricity because that can fail.

This is the first major outage in years and unfortunately a bit poorly timed, but it’s a shame that people only show up when it doesn’t work. :wink:
So far I am satisfied with my Naim Atom and now have to make do with BlueTooth, something that also works excellently and as long as it is temporary, it is acceptable, it will definitely be fixed again.
There are worse problems in the world…
Greetings from the Netherlands and I wish you a great and musical 2024

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