Vtuner down

Me too when it’s important (airport as such) but not day to day!
It wasn’t critical but a bit annoying when you pay £700 or so for a radio/streamer/alarm for the bedroom.
Should have stuck with a £5 bedside clock!
To those who say it’s not bricked as it still streams, true but my use of the Muso is about 90% radio. It’s varied and informative unlike music streaming.


Agree, it’s annoying more than anything else. I’m now using bbc sounds via airplay.
But the unreliability at the moment with no updates is annoying.

Down here in Vilvoorde, Belgium

Use the alarm on your phone?

Don’t think so, we rarely pay for apps

Whilst I can’t imagine spending Muso money for an alarm clock(!), I understand that frustration. When I needed to get up for work I used my phone with a very quiet gentle alarm, which normally is enough to wake me, and a 20+ year old £10 (mains powered) clock radio (FM) set a few minutes later to bring the local news/current affairs while I was getting up. For early airport critical purposes I’d still have my gentle phone alarm first then the clock radio would be set to alarm not radio, and there’d be another battery alarm in case the mains one failed…

We use our Qbs for about 90% iRadio as well. Mrs HH is cooking and listening to Greatest Hits Radio using Airplay quite happily. I told her about the Tune In Radio app, to which she replied ‘yes, I know’. It’s really not hard to work around it. That said, that it’s still not working after two days is pretty crap on Vtuner’s part.


It’s not normally at the bedside, but yes for special occasions but not day to day.
I’m sure most just use one alarm method day to day, mine is the Muso as it’s my bedside radio… or it was!

So here’s how it’s supposed to work, from the Vtuner website……

Consumers love Internet Radio
We have developed the leading technology platform for audio streaming to products of all types. With vTuner, consumers can enjoy live radio stations and on-demand podcasts via a highly monitored & reliable database organized by genre, quality, location and more.

How it all works
For our clients – it’s very easy. For us – well, it’s our job!

  • The streaming media device contacts the vTuner server
  • Our server passes the request to one of our database servers
  • The database server enables browse or search of station listings
  • The server identifies the chosen station and returns the link information to the streaming media device
  • The streaming media device now uses this link to contact the chosen station and request the stream

Turnkey Solution - Implementing vTuner in your products
We offer a complete Self Development Kit that makes implementing our service into your products fast and efficiently.

Here are the main components:

  • API - Our proven and rock-solid API is the de facto standard for internet radios and other IP connected consumer electronic devices. The complete implementation of the API ensures that future services and features can be easily added to your products.

  • Sample C Code - C Code can be made available for those looking to expedite the implementation of our API.

  • API Certification Document - Our certification document guides you through testing each function of the API to ensure that our platform + your products work well together.

Just FYI really,


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Yes, me too. Just downloaded it and it works fine. Just waiting for vTuner to sort themselves out, but I find the sound casting to my NAIM using the RadioBox app is pretty impressive,

And the drama queen of 2023 goes to ( insert name here).

Whilst I do listen to a lot of internet radio, I use my system for playing rips, vinyl and very rarely via Bluetooth or Chromecast/Airplay. My modest system has not suddenly become a brick because I am resourceful enough to work out workarounds so I can listen to R4 this morning.

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Well…… that what it says…….

And I’m absolutely certain the irony of most of the text quoted above isn’t lost on the inimitable HH :smirk:


Just loaded the “TuneIn” app on the free trial option. With Chromecast, the sound quality is surprisingly good.

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Thanks to the various people who signposted to Radio Box, very user friendly although doesn’t give info on bitrates / quality of streams. Sounded OK through earphones (!), havent plugged it in yet.

Clearly getting a good quality DAB tuner to add to my HiFi as a back up option needs researching. Unfortunately I am in a FM black hole, so my Quad tuner is largely decorative!

Can you insert me the logo of this radio box app?

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Living in Swden and today all of the Swedish Radio have stopped streaming on my Uniti Star, and the internatinal ones as well (eg. Radio Paradise) The only station streaming is Naim Radio, but Naim Classical isn’t . When searching for radio staions in the Naim app e.g. Naim’s choice there are no staions.
On the other hand if I use the Swdeish Radio app directly by casting via Airplay (or built-in Chromecast) the streaming works.
Is this function down due to an upgrade or what?
Worth mentionning is that other steaming services like Tidal and Spotify both are functioning

Going on from some people blaming Naim for vTuner perhaps I should complain and hold Naim responsible for not having a backup power supply for my system as the power has just gone off because of storm Gerrit.