Vtuner down

Still or again down in NL, just did another reset of phone, app, wifi, router, modem and streamer including unplug, and everything works a-ok except for no internet radio at all.

Tried the ā€˜turn it off and turn it on againā€™ tip in the sticky, but still nothing. I guess we have to wait for a proper fix, in the meantime there are various workarounds described in this thread ā€¦ me, Iā€™m watching TV instead :rofl: :rofl:

pay twice you mean.

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It worked for a while earlier today, but Vtuner effectively seems gone again. For top2000 listeners in the NL, there NPO2 app on Android and iPhone thankfully works with Chromecast


26 Decemberā€¦ It worked for a while today in France, great, but tonight we find ourselve, as apparently many other user, in the same situation as in previous days :rage:

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Was back working this morning in Dublin but gone again the last few hours. Personally find the internet radio/vtuner app very disappointing from a usability perspective (search is poor and range of stations limited). This hasnā€™t helped.


Spotify ā†’ play radio similar to this artist. Done.

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You can search stations on the app just like albums etc except the results are concealed on the top listing and you have to open it to view, Iā€™ve not noticed a limited selection - lots available by location or genre

Down in NY

You can have a go now for sure :sweat_smile:

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Down in NSW Australia so clearly a world-wide problem.
As Steve said in the sticky, itā€™s likely to be up and down as they get the main server up and running.
Iā€™m sure it will be up and running properly before too long.

vtuner is still down

Down in Quebec, Canada : ) using AirPlay to play holiday music as this is fixed. It was working earlier today, but I installed new network gear and I unplugged the Musos just few hours ago, since absolutely nothing. Behaviour is very weird, restoring history is super slow and then nothing.

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Iā€™m sure theyā€™ve been hacked and asked for ransom to unlock. Itā€™s happening all the time these days. If they ever get this service back up I would still recommend looking elsewhere for radio if stability is important. Iā€™m listening to radio via Audirvana without any issues.

Beyond unacceptable, Naim need to be at helm here, you could have a 500k Naim rig and now its a brick, Iā€™m looking to contact these people even though they hide on the internet. I will keep you posted. I want answers.


No Gary, it is not AT ALL like Spotify. which has to store and manage delivery of millions upon millions of music tracks. vTuner is simply handling a links to other servers, it is not storing or playing the music. In the grand scheme of things, itā€™s not a very difficult task and there is no excuse for down times this long. In the past 15 years, I have never had an internet service disruption that was more than a couple of hours and 1 one that was actually ā€œsystem-wideā€ and not a wiring failure in the neighbourhood.


Thank you very much!

Down in Chicago too!

Hi, again this morning it does NOT work any more than internet radio. That is absurd ! !!!
They do these on the festive days. It would take a fine fine from the competent bodies to control the service !
Italy 27/12/23 hours 08.15

Not quite a brick, good few ways to work around what should be a temporary outage for iRadioā€¦admittedly one that seems to be going on for an unusual whileā€¦.

Considering the VTuner service costs nothing re subscription fees for us all, Iā€™m not sure how high the soap boxes should beā€¦.:man_shrugging: