Vtuner down

“I’m going to spend £500k on a Naim rig so I can listen to just internet radio”?said no one ever… let’s get some perspective here please. It’s an outage for reasons we don’t understand and I’m sure they’re working hard to fix it. Oh and it’s free to us also.


I’m not sure it matters whether it’s free or not, my streamer was sold with a radio function and it’s not working and I have no alternative to point the function to. How it is provided to the buyer is not really my concern.
Yes, it’s not the end of the world and we are probably making a bigger deal than it really is, I am using airplay so not such a big issue except for alarm function and I’ll use alternatives for the moment. But to me the principle of lack of info or alternatives is the most galling.
If it’s going to be down for a few days or intermittent then just come clean so we can adjust accordingly.


May I ask do you have the new subscription based AV? I have AV v3.50 & don’t think iRadio is supported or works from my Mac.

There have been lots of suggestions about short term get-a-rounds and that is fine, however so far nobody has tried to answer my question that I posted under the topic of "how does iRadio work?

The question (1) was:

  1. I was under the impression that Vtuner allowed the streamer to locate the internet connection of a channel of interest. For example, from new with no favourites selected, Vtuner would guide me through to find BBC Radio 3, which I would add as a favourite. From then on and for ever more Vtuner had no involvement on me selecting Radio 3 from my favourites.
    It would seem that this assumption was false, so “how does it work” when it does?

So my simple question remains, having needed Vtuner or similar to identify the location of, in my example Radio 3, is Vtuner involved at all. Is this a mandatory requirement of Vtuner or a uniquely Naim implementation?

But this is like people shouting at Porsche because Shell had an issue with their petrol production. Getting cross on here and “demanding answers” isn’t going to solve anything. All Naim have to tell us is what they’re being told and from what I can see Naim are relaying that to us. We’ve just got to wait or use other means in the meantime.


I think we face here a system with a very weak link. Up to now for FM, all you rely on is the fact that the provider is broadcasting content. If there is a power outage or a problem, at the broadcaster you can still receive other (local) broadcaster. Never, never in my live I faced that the FM overall did not work. Did readers of this forum EVER face the fact that in their car the complete radio was gone ? Idem for DAB. In this case, I already had outages, not for 5 minutes, but for hours of the complete iRadio system the last 2 years. Why, because vTuner is needed ‘just’ to know where the actual selected stream is (i.e. the URL), whish is then, at the end, not streamed by vTuner, but by e.g. BBC, classic FM or whatever content provider. I read that for other less premium brands vTuner starts to ask a montly 0,5 EUR fee, which seems quite a lot, as again the stream content is not coming from them (like spotify), but at the end from the BBC. In case you have thousends and millions of subsribers (paid for by an initial fee as part of the purchase price) then the availability of e.g. 99,99 % (1 hour per year outage) should be contractually guaranteed (which is possible, ask telecom providers).


Thanks! RadioBox works for my NDX2.

Why am I arguing over meaning?

The “principle” is not the same at all. vTuner simply negotiates a connection. I could probably write the code in a couple of days and set up the whole thing on a reliable platform like AWS in one more, with proper off-site backup. I’m not sure you understand the tech behind this.

Also, my main gripe is with vTuner although, as other have pointed out, Naim has to “own” having made that choice. Just a cursory look at vTuner dot com and seeing that ASP NET is being used and the way the URLs are structured would have indicated to me right off the bat that this was not a good idea.


me too, lesson learned

I purchased my Naim streamers primarily for internet radio – that is what they are used for 90% of the time.


vTuner is not a streaming service. It merely establishes a connection for you to the actual internet radio streaming service you have selected on your Naim device.

I’ve been without iradio since Christmas day. I completed a “contact us” on the Naim website but don’t expect an answer unitil the new year!
My get around for the time being is the VRadio app via google play which has chromecast and is free with “visual ads”. Hopefully V tuner will be fixed in the near future until then Vradio will do for the time being. btw it’s coppers to pay for the ad free service literally. It’s also well designed and clutter free.

Indeed not anymore, no radio stations (Vtuner) available in the Netherlands.

I am in Cleveland, Ohio USA
What can i do to remeedy problem?

Somebody call Mark Cuban…

Still a bit flaky on my Uniti Star this morning (Norfolk, UK) - I’m able to play Naim’s Choices but none of my Presets are working.

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Poland - vTuner still doesn’t work

why has NAIM not opted to store the URL itself once it was found inside the presets (by the search or select function that relies on vTuner) instead of a vTuner identifier ; In this case, a problem at vTuner would not lead to have no iRadio access, but ‘just’ unavailability to search and store new stations . Or am I missing something ?

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Or even allow the entry of the chosen radio station’s URL through the Naim App to be stored in the device?

Probably build costs, would require additional memory and significant coding effort, the latter not being one of Naim’s strengths……

It’ll be back soon and we’ll all forget about it until next time :joy:


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What an extreme bugger/turn off this must be for anyone using naim kit to listen to internet radio and is not aware of this forum! That’s likely to be a future sale killer I would imagine.

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