Vtuner down

Hi, Im in Iceland with muso and vtuner is out also for me. It seems to be that muso is fixed on using naimDOTvtunerDOTcom which is unreachable, is there any way to connect to another url, because vtuner website is up and running?

For a couple of days now I havenā€™t been able to get iradio on my unitiqute or QB. The appsays connecting and then seems to give up. As far as I can tell I have the latest version of the app. Anyone got an idea what the issue might be? As itā€™s both boxes Iā€™m guessing itā€™s app related so as a last resort I could uninstall and reinstall but it would be nice to know what the issue is

Best to read the Vtuner thread on this forum.

Itā€™s a Vtuner outage affecting everyone.

Canā€™t stream any source (except Naim Radio). Browsing stations is slow, but after selection, no audio.

Any hints?

Donā€™t bother, it seems to be the server

Been trying to use my Naim gear for internet radio over the last few days and itā€™s hopeless ( again ) this seems to happen every 6 months in Australia - last outage was in June when lots of customers were left stranded without the use of anything other than local stations. I thought it was me with my Nova failing to connect over the past few daysā€¦ then it failed on the ND555. I found the same experience occurred in June through a Q&A but it has now closed out. Is anyone else experiencing the same problem or is it just OZ ā€¦pretty poor experience for something thatā€™s promoted as being simple.
back to the old fashioned hand held radio with am/fm/dab ā€¦seems to work somehow.

Itā€™s a worldwide outage, caused by some downed servers on the VTuner serviceā€¦.A little search on the forum and you would have seen numerous postsā€¦Nothing to do with Naim and theyā€™ve been chasing restoration of the service since Xmas Day, credit to themā€¦.

Should start coming back online apparently, but may be patchy for a bitā€¦Perhaps restart your devices or renew their network leases, may help give a renewed connection to VTunerā€¦.


FYI, Iā€™m in WA and I have no connection to RP currentlyā€¦though it was working OK yesterdayā€¦.
As I said, seems it may take a little while to all come back online and for the service to settleā€¦.

Web based radio is inherently as robust as the streaming service providing it. The issue seems to be the various directory services that aggregate and curate these web based radio streams such as vTuner. This is not really part of internet based web radio itself, but is intended to make it easier for consumers to find stations without needing a web browser, but then can become a single point of failure ā€¦ which in my opinion then is somewhat of a flawed approach, but the alternative would require the consumer to be more hands onā€¦ā€¦


My DAC/Streamer uses Airable for iRadio.

Yamaha and others have also switched to Airable from VTuner

Not sure if this would make a difference for those down under.

Seems to be down again (UK).

Down again in the US too.

Or Naim and other equipment suppliers to have two aggregate options to choose from. A fallover service.

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There seems to be a strong case for a software update to allow some form of direct URL entry without going through any third party address server. Given the APP, it should not be difficult to create a locally generated station list.

Not having this feature is likely a choice than Naim has made to simplify the user interface and minimise user queries. However, for many of us, an address designation method under our control would be a real plus.


The service Naim uses to resolve the radio internet address has been down since Christmas eve. All parties are aware of the problem, but it is talking ages to fix.

The BBC and many others do not have a direct url to connect to any longer.

This could also be an otpion, but for an ā€˜off the shelve deviceā€™ convenience is crucial. For FM / DAB+ finding broadcasts and setting these as presets is limited by the amount of available broadcast on the FM band. However with internet radio, in view of the world wide reach, there is a place for something like a local/global repository. However if you buy a 1000 EUR/DLR + equipement, and then elying on a small private owned company is nto a wise decision. vTUner is/will be tomorrow still available for Naim devices, however it is not more (free) for users of e.g. Denon or other brands. The (commercial) alternatives, are not necessarily better, such as TuniIn, as they have sometimes blocked stations. Naim should push with other OEM that this becomes a government owned service or own the vTuner company together with other brandsā€¦

I assume that Naim could globally email all those that have registered streamers, to inform them of the situation if they wished.

I think they do.
Iā€™m using minimserver and have set up a playlist which contains the urls to a few stations I listen to. The method Iā€™m sure would work with other media servers(Asset etc)
I got the info on how to set it up on this forum somewhere, Iā€™ll have a look for the info and post it here.

Update: found my source:-

The really useful post is at around #203

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It seems that BBC made substantial changes to their streaming delivery in October. The site referenced below provides more information and a link to current Akamai served BBC radio URLs. I donā€™t know why Vtuner hasnā€™t been updated.

Search Garfnet BBC.