Vtuner down

Same sort of thing here, I own an NDX, and I have the Primare NP5 linked via SPDIF as a new streamer front end, a nice uplift in SQ, Qobuz capability and an alternative radio stream. Nothing wrong with DAC in the NDX after all, why throw the baby out with the bath water.

That is how I see it too. The soundquality of Naim is really excellent.

All good this morning in NZ. Woohoo!

Yes it costs less than a Big Mac per month. Might be worth it if radio is a big part of your life and enjoyment. Priorities :slight_smile:

In UK, I now have Classic FM (from my favourites) but no BBC channels.

Slowly creeping back here in Dublin

It’s working in Washington State on NDX2. vtuner website is still not connecting for on my macbook. Well done Naim team!

Since 25 dec 2023 no internet radio available, what is the actual situation on this moment??

I’m not sure. For me it finally started working about 30 minutes ago. hopefully it will be back for you soon.

Works now here in Switzerland. Thanks.

In Canada, for the moment there has been a total blackout for two days!!

Same down in Quebec in Canada

Still not working for me in the U.K.
Now moved on to TV time anyway so let’s see what happens tomorrow

Working here in Lincolnshire

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I can imagine the Naim software guys sat round the table next week after current issues. ‘You know, let’s push FM more”! In the summer when there might be an issue with Quboz, Tidal & Spotify “ you know let’s push CD more…”!!

Sales will go through the roof :joy::joy:


Working here in NW England :+1:

No Planet Rock logo…….the end is nigh

No logo’s here in the Netherlands, but the music is back!


working in Michigan

Seems to be back! Let’s hope it stays! Must say I have been casting Radio Paradise from my iPad via AirPlay and although it does not sound as good as via the I/radio facility on my Atom HE, it’s nice to have the album artwork.