Vtuner down

Back on in NY!

Very hit and miss here in West Walesā€¦no BBC

Only AirPlay 2, not the standard AirPlay. And working here in the Netherlands now, but without logos.

Same here in NL on Atom HE. But the music plays again and that is what matters.

Prices of FM tuners are raising ā€¦


No BBC in Chester this am - other stations seem ok.

Exactly, Iā€™ll turn off the display of my Nova

Well itā€™s kind of like Roon, but very much more limited and constrained to web radio streaming services via the internet.
The subscriptions are also very much smaller, I think $8 a year. I assume Naim came up with some mass licensing agreement for Naim products. However there are many alternatives to vTunerā€¦ so if their indexing service proves unreliable then perhaps there will be a switch away to other web radio curation services where customers want such a feature.

I do think an answer is to make it possible/easier to use web radio directlyā€¦ perhaps copy web radio URLs via the Naim app and store into favourites. If you can do this now and bypass vTuner on Naim products I apologise.

And the end of the day you donā€™t need to use vTuner to access web radio generallyā€¦

Pretty hacked off with this now, nothing in Wilts.

As far as Iā€™m aware Simon and IME, you can only paste URLs into vTuner account that is linked to your Naimā€™s MAC address i.e for stations that are not already in the vTuner database and that you want to add to your device as a favouriteā€¦.So itā€™s still using vTuner as the front end. I donā€™t think thereā€™s a method that you can paste a radio URL directly into the streamer or Appā€¦.though like you suggest, you would imagine this could potentially provided in the future with an App update/tweakā€¦ā€¦



Still no radio here in Beds.
Getting a bit annoyed by lack of information or engagement. It may not be Naims problem at source but they are providing the service through their hardware (without option to use other services) so I think they should be doing more to keep us informed.
I use radio a lot and I spent an awful lot of money on my Naim system. Itā€™s just good practice to keep customers informed.

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I donā€™t have a Naim streamer so canā€™t comment on how Nail connect to the vtuner service. Here in France I have the Uaralic devices that are still not getting the vtuner service at all, connection error comes up. My GoldNote DS 10 is connecting though and seems to have all stations working. I wonder if the manufacturers connect through different access points?

You didnt get the point ā€¦ wrong perspective, sorry.

Sugar coating is not what naimies want to hear in situations like that - it is rather ā€˜value for moneyā€™ expectations and how to handle and communicate professionally.

Yes, an update would be good. I am guessing that Richard Dane will be pressing Naim for news. If he could post something, with even a crumb of encouragement?
It does seem to be us BBC listeners who are suffering more than most.

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OK! So it is ā€œa Vtuner problemā€ but I havenā€™t bought a Vtuner streamer. It is a Naim product and app I am using! Trouble for the end users smears on the Naim trademark regardless.
Naim, along with giants like Samsung, Audi & Philips are Vtuner partners and if there are technical issues (e.g. servers down) these partners should urge Vtuner to publish a message for end users e.g. ā€œwe are right now experiencing troubles that we expect to be solved within x hrsā€. Also the partners should have a signed agreement with Vtuner on accessibility (90% 24-7-365?)

Having issues with Internet radio since 24th Dec 23, BBC Stations in particular, which appear and disappear. Play for a short while and then stop playing.
I have a Naim Uniti Lite and three Muso in the house, all with the same issue. I tested on a different type of device and all works fine on the WiiM player and also BBC sounds on an iPad. I have setup the newer steam links earlier in the year and have been work fine until 24th. Anyone experienced the same similar?

Iā€™m wondering if the service is now running in some places but not others whether there is a dns cache problem across the world with Vtuner. Someone poked in the wrong numbers at Christmas. :laughing:

Maybe a way forward is to move to a similar model/method that Sonos use to deliver radio services.
As many will know this allows the installation of apps(bbc sounds, tunein, radio paradise etc) and then connect to those services with your credentials.
It then allows you to add favourites and so on and use those as shortcuts.
It also connects to my local music on a nas.
The only issues Iā€™ve had are down to my local wifi skipping a beat and/or my internet service playing up.
There are some constraints around playing hi-res, but as a model it works and is resilient.
I dont know what deals/arrangments Sonos have with BBC etc, if Sonos can do it (and Iā€™m sure other platforms), then Iā€™d guess Naim can.
Iā€™m not for one moment suggesting the Sonos competes with my Naim kit on an audio level.
My (very) limited understanding is that implementing such a method is ā€˜onlyā€™ software/firmware.
I realise of course that itā€™s probably not a minor project, but the ease of use and resilience of the kit and apps etc is a key component in listening to radio and music.
Edit: regarding the importance of ease of use etc, because of this it deserves a proportionate amount of attention and investment in my opinion.

In France, itā€™s working again, albeit with a few shortcomings, such as the absence of a logo - as annoying as it is unsightly, that black screen - and the fact that some stations probably donā€™t work, or you have to switch back and forth with another station.
It could be better, but Iā€™m afraid weā€™ll have to make do for now!
Best regards from France

It is starting to look like a connection/authentication problem now, which of course may not have been the original problem. Vtuner database corrupt and not accepting manufacturers tokens, or a DNS problem from different locations.