Vtuner down

Classic FM working in Leicestershire but nothing else.
I have tried switching everything off last night, including the modem and router, and back on again this morning, but still nothing.

Totally agree!!

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I get the Classic FM anomaly as well, even if I try and connect to R6M. It tries to connect, fails and streams Classic FM instead. Listening to R4 on my old Roberts radio just now.

Hi Steve,

That is two hours of my Christmas Day life I wonā€™t get back, resetting my wi-fi network and Mu-So.

I appreciate you putting this posting up but as well as Vtuner having too many eggs in one basket, I feel Naim does too. It would be best if you urgently looked at implementing at least one other additional radio service asap.

I agree with the posting that this is hardly a major problem but we do pay a lot for our Naim products and to have them fail over Christmas is pretty disappointing, especially when my Linn DSM continued to work perfectly.

Happy new year!


Not sure what kind of company vTuner is but if you look at their www and ā€œTeamā€ this is what you get. Itā€™s a one mans show and most likely their servers got hacked when most vulnerable meaning when the ā€œteamā€ is on holiday.

Despite all the posts, at least from the UK, saying that vTuner is back up and running, I think the reality might be not just yet.

I can successful listen to Classic FM etc., but the station logo does not appear on my 222. Furthermore, album artwork ceased to display from any other appropriate sourceā€¦ā€¦ A full factory reset was required to correct the issue, with the associated hassle - boo, hiss.

I have not tried to reconnect to the iRadio stations, not wishing to repeat the above process.

Ho, hum.


Down in Scotland UK

Trouble is, not much left broadcasting on FMā€¦BBC, Classic FM, X and GHR perhaps depending on where you live and thatā€™s pretty much it. The rush to the new.

Naim are all on holiday. The factory closes from Christmas Eve (or the Friday before) through to early January. The issue has already been notified to vtuner, and the service is in the process of being restored. So you want someone who is on holiday to keep asking vtuner for an update? Itā€™s possibly now a dns cache issue so not even within vtunerā€™s control.

There are multiple workarounds that have all been posted in this thread.


Sorry. Not aiming to be unkind. Simply asking in both ignorance and exasperation. I humbly withdraw.

My radio on my star has now started working
I live in Essex

Up and running again in Holland. Happy again.

I can get Radio Paradise on my 222 and Star from my favs, go searching and listen to other stations, for BBC stations I am still using Chromecast.

I agree! Nothing at all here in Cheltenham since christmas day and there is a lack of progress reporting which makes for a very negative experience overall. I live in hope???

I suspect what will happen is:
Vtuner will sort out their redundancy issues and then confirm to denon, marantz, Yamaha, Naim, anyone else using the service that disaster recovery solutions have been improved.
Naim will decide whether they can live with that assurance, or whether an alternative needs to be introduced.

Better DR processes and no one would have noticed.

I do recall vtuner having some financial issues about 2 years ago, at the time I asked Steve here if Naim had any contingency plans if they went belly up but I guess understandably he dident reply! It would be interesting to know if other providers such as Airable or whoever can be implemented via new firmware as there does seem to be a high degree of vulnerability as has been played out over the last few days, Iā€™m not too bothered as I have alternatives but it is a very poor show by vt and Iā€™m sure Naim need this like a hole in the head, particularly at this time of year. Someone asked above re the SLA that Naim (presumably) has with Vtuner - itā€™s a very valid point which Iā€™m sure will be scrutinised in the days ahead.


Not everything. Most stations still donā€™t work. And no logos.

Iā€™m also very curious what the SLA is for vTuner??? Usually it is 8 hours, but here I donā€™t think anyone cares about restoring services, including Naim, we are waiting for some explanations.


So, yeah. Everybody take a chill pill, use the alternatives in the meantime and wait for it to be sorted.

S**t happens. Who knew?


Internet radio still all over the place and acting weird - any updates when it will be sorted?