Vtuner down

Turned Muso Qb on and radio not working (this does happen very occasionally where the wifi connection is lost). Went through the reset process as previously done and have a steady white status light at the back of the unit. Set up the Muso Qb through the app and all the Naim preset radio stations work but when I try other stations many of them are not working. So for example I have tried various BBC stations, it looks like I am connected as when I go into the details for that station it gives me the option to ā€œstop streamā€ but there is just no sound coming through. BBC podcasts or On Demand work fine. Some random stations such as Linn Jazz or Virgin Radio work but many others donā€™t.

Firmware is up to date. I did a network scan using the Naim app and it proved I have a good wifi signal where the unit is normally situated, although I have currently moved it to a couple of metres from the router to see if it would make any difference. Re-booted router. To all intents and purposes I appear to have a good connection so no idea why certain radio stations wonā€™t work.

I am not able to connect with an ethernet cable at the moment.

Any ideas please?

Thanks in advance, Mark

Thanks Nigel, I hadnā€™t seen that thread.

My Muso has lost all BBC radio stations. I only noticed today, but it could have happened anytime within last few days.
I tried deleting the preset and resaving BBC 2HD but still silence. All other radio stations (non-BBC) are working as normal.
Has anyone else had this problem?
Any suggestions?

Iā€™ve messaged @Stevesky for an update but it may just be that he is waiting for the same from Vtunerā€¦

If anyone fancies a play, you can set this up on your home network with a raspberry pi.

I think it will hijack Naim.vtuner.com on your own network, so effectively youā€™ve self hosted a mimic of vtuner.
However itā€™s still reliant on https://www.radio-browser.info/
Though it would be fairly straightforward to point it at a local SQLite database so it works without reliance on an external provider.

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vTuner doesnā€™t give a damn about the SLA with Naim and updates, heā€™s now off and on vacation

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Itā€™s probably not even vtunerā€™s fault. Iā€™d expect the service runs on paid for hosting somewhere with 99.9% uptime, it wonā€™t be on vtunerā€™s own hardware. So Naim can chase vtuner can chase xyz hosting dot com who had a server outage with zero redundancy.

Looking at their 1985 design web page, vtuner UI and being a one mans show and reading about his history I wouldnā€™t be surprised he has the server park under his bed. If the data base had a fall back being their own issue it would be a quick fix. Given the time this takes, the lack of communication and the size of the issue Iā€™m sure they are hacked and asked for ransom to unlock.

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I noticed on my Uniti Star there was no Internet radio on Christmas Day. Tried it on Boxing Day and everything seemed to be fine, although I only tried BBC radio channels. Since then, I donā€™t seem to be able to get any UK based radio stations with the exception of classic FM. No BBC Radio at all! I can stream and access Spotify etc.

From 2019ā€¦

On May 1, vTunerā€™s service apparently [fell over for eleven hours], and Fronteir Silcon, who used the vTuner service for their internet radio modules (used by people like Roberts, Grundig and others) switched just a week later to [a different provider causing great upheaval for listeners, since all their presets suddenly stopped working (and many products needed a firmware update). Boseā€™s products also have ceased using vTunerā€™s database, too.

Peter Johnson, vTunerā€™s CEO, posted quite a rant [on the Bose website revealing that the company charged ā€œ.40 centsā€ per product to vTuner, that Tunein has ā€œa pathetic databaseā€, and ends by claiming ā€œWhat these consumer electronic companies want is free no matter how bad the quality of the service isā€, adding that it ā€œnow looks like I will need to close vTuner soon.ā€

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Yamaha and many others have moved away
from vTuner.

Maybe Naim should do the same.


If Naim do decide at some point to use an alternative to vTuner, then all I would ask is that it is able to handle hi-def flac streams from the likes of Radio Paradise, as this was one of my main reasons for buying Naim over the alternatives. Internet radio via My Atom HE is the best I have heard it (Ethernet connection to the router of course) and it is so easy to use.



IF Naim decide to move away from vTuner, what are the chances of it working on ā€˜legacy productsā€™, like the N272?

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Iā€™m the same, in the UK but no BBC channels

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Still unreliable in Ontario, Canada. No BBC stations, intermittent with others.

I assume that Naim will provide support for itā€™s legacy products as long as reasonably possible. No guaranties however ā€¦

Everything apart from BBC stations seem to be working in Cornwall, UK.
Donā€™t know if anyone has mentioned but donā€™t forget for those of you that run Assset you can access Tunein Radio via Naim app.

Anyway Iā€™m off to play some vinyl :grin:


OK here in the Bristol area apart from BBC radio which I never listen to anyway.