Vtuner down

How’s the stability these days?

I have a few paid versions of Audirvana including 3.5.

I had Studio for a year or so, but as mentioned above far too many services are becoming subscription only and these all add up so I’ve culled several things including Tidal/Audirvana/Roon, primarily because of rather limited usage.

Tempted to give AS another try.

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Is there also the possibility of somehow integrating the radio stations into the Naim with a UPNP playlist? Unfortunately I haven’t succeeded yet.

Works great IMO. Give it a go. They have a free trial :+1: They have partnered with many well known brands lately. I would hope Naim could open the door to such partnership too.

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Why are you trivialising the experience others are having and defending something totally unacceptable? Sure sh*t happens, but then it gets resolved in a couple of hours with something this simple. It is not complicated streaming service. It’s just a very tiny database and a bit of code to negotiate a link.

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Confirmed. I am in Toronto. The lack of BBC is the most annoying part for me. Radio 3 is my daily standard, especially during the holidays. I simply don’t understand how this could be taking days and days for the vTuner people to resolve. Even if it’s just one guy doing the coding.

Who says that? the www entry shows an employee listing at 24, not sure that includes exec/directors.

Because it relies upon dns propagation which is beyond vtuner’s control. As I understand it, Naim dot vtuner dot com was flipped to a new server and has likely flipped back again. If you visit that link it now goes to my radio dot Naim audio dot com. At least it does in the uk.
The whole internet relies upon dns.

The service Naim relies on for connectivity to ultimate radio destination had a server crash and are being very uncommunicative and incredibly incompetent. Like the rest of us, you will just have to wait.

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Nobody is saying that. My point is that this is such a simple enterprise, even if one guy was doing all the work, there would be no excuse for this sort of delay.

Unfortunately I don’t have a Naim streamer to try this on.
if it helps this I can do in Bubbleupnp. A radio station playlist to select from.

Still no BBC stations here in Leicestershire.
Other stations are back.

Doesn’t it just highlight the fragility of streaming services of many kinds though?

I’ve had all manner of streaming outages today, but that’s because my broadband has dropped several times I suspect due to the overhead line being buffeted by heavy wind/rain and having to manually reboot the modem/router.

As frustrating as it is there’s not a heck of a lot Naim can do about it currently, in the same way as if Tidal or Qobuz had issues.

I’m not a prolific internet radio user, but are there no other ways to access Radio 3 from your region temporarily?

That was for me the same reason for buying the nsc 222 over a Gold Note.

We can conclude that this experience has made visible to a large section of Naim’s global customer base the lack of support from vTuner as a supplier of internet radio services to Naim and the technical fragility of the current vTuner service.

Though this service outage is not the direct fault of Naim, Naim’s Management Team do hold a responsibility to learn from this incident and to perform a management review in an attempt to avoid a repeat of such a failure to Naim’s customers in future. The Naim brand is linked by association to the performance of the suppliers it contracts with and who have access to the Naim streaming platform.

Suggested actions from the Naim Management Team for Streaming Services in Q1 2024 include: i) a due diligence review of vTuner as a supplier in terms of whether it is fit for purpose to provide internet radio services to a high-end brand such as Naim going forwards, ii) resolution of the single point of failure issue by offering not just one but at least two internet radio supplier services on the Naim software platform, iii) a review of SLA’s with internet radio suppliers, including back-up server switching arrangements and the number of global servers available in different continents (in this instance, outage in one data centre in the US appears to have brought down a global service), iv) recovery SLA’s in case of service outage, v) a review of how alternative platforms and services operate to learn lessons on the optimal techincal and supplier configuration for the future, vi) a review of a subscription based model if there is evidence that this would increase the robustness and reliability of the internet radio service.

I look forward to learning what improvements and changes are coming to the Naim internet radio service in 2024.


It is NOT a steaming service! It is something a million times simpler.

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It seems to have highlighted two dependencies. Vtuner has to have the ‘permissions’ from the BBC to provide their service. Naim have to have the ‘permissions’ to access both Vtuner, and the BBC service.

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I’m sure Naim’s management will be stunned by your generosity in spelling all that out for them. But even so I doubt you will hear responses from them to any of your suggestions in 2024 or 2025 come to that!


Yes I agree that its taking too long, I was just wondering who said it was down to one guy.
Outside of Naim, the interweb is full of chat over this, I suspect most all speculation, it’ll interesting to get the full story when we do get it all back.

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This also raises the issue of why the BBC plays these annoying games. I can listen to their broadcasts through a browser or simulated browser without extra permissions or tokens. Do they really gain that much financially making companies like Naim jump through hoops? Ultimately, it decreases their popularity.


Is it correct that the vtuner outage affects naim’s old and new streaming platforms equally (eg, NDX vs. NDX2)? Or is the new streaming platform in some way more future-proof for using iRadio? (you see I’m trying hard to justify a new purchase…) Thanx, Stefan