Vtuner down

Please inform yourself about the term “neuro divergence”.
Total lack of communication means exactly that; no communication from anyone involved so you have zero understanding of the issue at hand.

That’s quite patronizing. I’m actually familiar with the concept. In fact, at a very high level, having done graduate studies in psychology.

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Come on, let’s not bicker. The outage was bad enough. Let’s all agree that steps need to be taken to stop it happening again. Life’s to short for arguments.


Then you are well informed that other people might interpret what you say literally.

So there is no onus on you to consider that people often use slightly hyperbolic figures of speech? You had all the time in the world to read and weigh that possibility. It’s not as if we were having a rapid-fire real life conversation.

@GrahamK thank you - mine didn’t populate anything when I tried that. I wonder if I need to update Asset or something?
Edit: I have updated Asset and my QNAP NAS and I now see radio stations :sunglasses:


No radio is a direct attack on democracy :slight_smile:

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So is everybody back to pre-outage normal? I was just listening to something and it stopped after 10 mins, just like it did pre-Christmas :rage:

Starting to think I have a local problem as well…

Mine has just stopped as well (UK)

Yeah I can’t get bbc stations or radio paradise now… I was wondering if nova had gone weird but glad it’s not just me then

Shouldn’t that be ‘pre-outrage’ :wink:


Yes all it’s gone again …… awaiting barrage of ahhhhh and grrrrrr etc :joy:

And also in the Netherlands no v tuner. Again! I downloaded another app so I can listen to music but really! V tuner get your stuff sorted out.

Mine is back but had to rescan all my presets…

Erm…. I did say………

Obviously not going to be ‘fixed’ until after the holidays, New Year even.

Probably best left till then, after all none of us wants a hasty fix that fails almost straight away, do we?

Happy New Year, J

Yes its all off again in UK.
iRadio is just showing the no input spinning wheel.
Hopfully its VTuner moving stuff around again
Will try later with fingers crossed

@stevesky FYI

The same in France. It doesn’t work anymore.

I have been listening to BBC R6 since around 9 without any issues on my 222 in the UK. However, just tried the Star and no radio stations played. Not sure why 222 is still playing R6 and Star can’t connect to it or other stations. Hopefully, someone with the technical knowledge will explain why this is.

Same here in Ireland. No Vtuner,tied full reboot still nothing ,unfortunately.

Probably because the streamer only needs to connect to the vTuner servers to start a stream. It’s like the ToC is not available, but the rest of the book is still there. But since your streamer doesn’t know the page number it cannot start the radio stream.

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