Vtuner down

Auralic and Gold Note vtuner working in central France.

I have no idea what a ToC is, which no doubt shows how lacking in knowledge I am.

Similar here. BBC Radio3 on in the background on Qb1 since around 9am (UK). Having seen the reports of new outages I’ve tried retuning to other saved stations. Nothing now on BBC or any other station. Cannot reconnect to R3. Back to using airplay on BBC sounds app.
So the Qb1 seemed to hold onto a station once connected early this morning, but won’t allow any new connections. Maybe helps with diagnosis @Stevesky

Ok ,I’m getting many stations back by deleting all favourites and doing a total search/retune ,looks like everything has moved.


Yes it looks like it’s just the favourites so the stations do work. Not sure to retune at this time might wait till it’s sorted next year or it could all be for nothing. At least it’s still working


Down here in Holland again. Most stations don’t work. NPO radio 2 is down.

Update: it’s indeed just the presets.

Table of Contents

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Why are you making arbitrary excuses for incompetence? This is a trivial database lookup service. There was never any reason to expect a week-long problem – except incompetence.

Seems to be back but you need to scrap existing presets and start again

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You don’t give up, do you……

Like I said, I’m ever so glad I don’t have to work for you. Now kindly leave me alone.

Thanks, J

PS And it’s working again……

Here also the presets.Naim,Naim,Naim!!!Pfffffff….


everything working in michigan, us. even tried bbc 2, 4. and 6. all working great. by the way i don’t use a naim streamer but do use vtuner with my streamer.

I’m pretty sure you’d rather work for me than vTuner.

Absolutely nothing working here in Toronto. I removed my presets, but can’t even get a directory listing on the app.

Apologies: I meant a Table of Contents, like in a book.

I am trying that, but it hangs/spins forever when I try to get a listing of radio stations.

SNAFU here in West Wales

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Of course sh_t happens. But if it had happened at my job, on my watch, I’d have been fired!


It’s time to read a book :innocent:


Still not working at all since Xmas Eve on my Unitiqute2.

All I can say is with the way that this sort of service should be provided and managed, across multiple data centres providing high availability and failover, there is no reason why there should have been any real service outage other than 30 mins or so, even with a data centre outage. And I’m being generous.