Vtuner down

Has anyone actually said exactly what has happened at Vtuner and why it’s not working properly yet?

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Down again in South East England. Only stations available are Naim Classical and Naim Jazz.
Back to square one.
Could be a DNS update. If so, the fault will heal over the next 24 hours.
Otherwise, some real questions about Vtuner suitability as a key element in a premium audio product.

I agree. Unfortunately, there seem to be many people here who have no idea of modern cloud computing who are bending over backwards to defend what ha happened. I’m even willing to allow a 24 hour failure, but this is simply absurd.

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This is a horror show. Down again in Switzerland. Surely Naim will have to sort this shambles asap in the New Year.

Internet radio down here yet again in Oxfordshire, UK.

I wish all my customers were like you…but if that was the case the business would not advance.

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Still working here in the Netherlands on my Nova … I don’t dare to touch it


Hi there

Is anyone else having trouble with iradio streaming on their muso version 1. I came back from holiday on the 26th Dec 23 to find my muso really playing up.

I am guessing that the stations available appear under iradio. As you can see from my screen grab there is nothing there.

That is smart. I assumed all was well permanently last night.

Haver a read through the posts from @stevesky here. It may give you some idea of what’s been going on.

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Cheers, but I wondered more about the actual hows and whys at their end…

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3 times.

No idea. I guess Steve at Naim will find out more from vTuner in time so plans can be made to ensure this situation is avoided in future.

All my favorites play, just had to delete from favorites and reselect and add to favorites again
So working in NY


Same here in Italy :it: . Had to remove some presets and select them again. But now everything works

Yes same in Hampshire. Remove and reselect stations, except Naim today though working up till lunchtime. Appreciate the above correction about no Naim board btw. Guess it was a figure of speech… It’s more intriguing than earth shattering, but I am as curious as everyone to know the inside story … Ha! As I write this it’s gone off again!

Down again.

Down again, Netherlands. Now bluetooth-connected to the Star. Works also.
Have a nice time!

Trying to see the funny side here, I can get Birdsong radio working. The guests will be arriving for new year soon, looks like some interesting party music.

Yep … same here in London … was ok up to this afternoon, tried all resets etc … nada…
oh the timing.!
Happy new year everyone…!