Vtuner down

I don’t know which streaming service you use but most have lots of v good NY playlists that you could use instead of radio? Qobuz have ones ranging from ‘v tasteful’ to ‘cheesier than fondue’

Was OK yesterday but presets and favourites not working today. If I go via the radio station tree and select a station it works and preset works after that. Turning it off and on made no difference.

The plan was always to stream but the thought of them listening to bird song is very tempting.

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Like others, streaming is fine here in the states, just had to remove presets and re-select. Not the end of the world.

Also, I just noticed Naim radio doesn’t have meta data. Has it always been this way? For some reason I thought it had meta data before.

Done the same in Bristol UK all working fine.

Never had a metadata, was told it was coming about 3 years ago though! :roll_eyes:


Well it did come back a few days ago but today (31DEC) it’s gone again.

RP app Bluetooth to NDX2 & Muso is the solution here.

New Year’s Eve, and here in The Netherlands all preset stations stopped working this afternoon on my Naim Muso 2 when I changed pre-set station. Deleting the old presets and searching for the stations again by location restored service for me, and I have now saved new presets.

Trying to get reception on other favourite mainstream internet radio stations from NL, UK, France and Germany gave mixed results this afternoon. Some stations connect whilst others have no service via vTuner and Naim at this time for me.

Hope this post is helpful to others and thank you to those who have already posted advice on the presets issue this afternoon.

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V-Tuner apart, who is now breaking the balls I think Naim has to work to integrate and or find another solution or provider of internet radio. Given the prices of his black boxes, he must do so. Just point.


Down again in Munich. I will never sell my Raumfeld Connector 2. It’s a shame to implement something like that in NAIM products.

I’m sure all of the streaming services will have a great selection of playlists available for everyone so no need to worry.

R3 Down in hove

Proper reply from Hove actually. :grinning:

Hope its back soon.

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We is all down in Hove Blud. Wickid innit.


Well I have had my Uniti Atom for two years now and I need to state that I have absolutely loved it! Everything integrated seamlessly and I have been able to enjoy not only all my digital music plus new streaming platforms but also acting as my amp for my analog music via my Rega P6!
Then the app was changed (not going to call it an update!) and It has been one headache after another ever since!
I live in Ontario Canada and since the 22nd Dec all the internet radio presets have been down and unable to connect including the Naim station preset! I have tried uninstalling my favourite presets, checking for firmware updates, even restarting my router all to no avail! Is this a Naim issue or a Vtuner problem? It has ruined my holiday enjoyment of being able to connect and listen to radio stations from my home country of the UK all holiday!
Naim what is going on? I’m starting to regret my investment in this item that I once very much loved!

Still down in the UK and has been since the start of Xmas, I am throwing my Cube in the bin tomorrow and going back to B&W, should never have switched tbf…

Also why is the Muso-Qb app now broken? every time I open it today the lighting of the app sets to bright by default, I change it dark which it has been on for 2+ years and fine but now every time I open it it’s set to bright white, someone at NAIM has really dropped the ball over the Xmas period, shocking…

No worries AirPlay BBC iPlayer or Sonos Port as back up, time to wobble down to the danglers (HDSA):grinning:

Nigel (@HungryHalibut ) is right in saying we shouldn’t be over emotional about this.

However, I’ve already said many in society depend upon radio and as VHF will eventually be phased out this kind of gap in service will not be acceptable. I trust Naim and Vt will be conducting a very thorough peer review into what went wrong.

Is it ‘vtuner’ or something else, that is causing internet radio to be down, this Sunday evening?

If vtuner proves to be Naim’s ‘weakest link’, could a more reliable alternative be used in the near future?

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