Vtuner down

Hi RochSteadE,
I’m your neighbor, I live in Quebec and my two Mu-Sos are broken. The stations returned for a brief period but this morning everything was down again. If that would be helpful.

Hi there and wishing you a Happy New Year neighbour @Pierre3 , good to know but a shame nonetheless that I’m not the only one in Canada with these issues. My concern however is that this Vtuner problem has been going on since the 22nd Dec for me!
Naim & Vtuner need to get this issue resolved ASAP because this is just not good enough IMO!

Deleted BBC R4 from Presets and Favourites then re-set.

Works now.

All the other Preset stations are out so I guess that’s the way to get 'em back. I’ll do it on the morning if I still have to.

I was pretty sanguine about the outage when it first happened and was happy to wait for the recovery, but now I must confess I’m getting a tad irritated.


Mike, I tend to agree. Things go wrong of course, but the fact we still have problems nearly a week later is pretty pathetic. Vtuner have had more than enough time to get it sorted out.


I’m not entirely sure about vtuner’s business model and its sustainability.

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All seems to be down in Sydney Australia this morning too.

I’m using a Primare streamer. As far as I know vtuner is used to stream radio and I haven’t had any problems streaming any radio stations.

However, a year ago Primare issued the following statement. The second paragraph might give a clue to why the problem hasn’t been sorted yet.

vTuner is ucking with us and doesn’t give a damn about us and Naim, Naim will be the worst soon

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Naim, this is pathetic

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Just up, with a thick head….
Go to put RP on…and nothing!
So yeah, all down again here in WA.

Happy NY! :roll_eyes::rofl:

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Yeah ok, as others have reported…it seems to be the Presets that aren’t working…Weird!
Go into the iRadio section of the App and choose the same station/stream from there and all works fine…but my normal presets on the App homepage no workie….:man_shrugging:

This seems more like a Naim App issue to me…?

I can find stations on my QB2 and have re-added my favourites. However, that isn’t working on my QB1’s which don’t show any iRadio stations listed at all.
I’ve rebooted / powered down the QB1’s and still no iRadio.
Very annoying to say the least.
Yes, I am aware of work arounds but it’s so much easier to just turn on the unit and listen to a preset.

iRadio vtuner down again 12/31. I dont care if people are on Holiday. Pay someone to fix it. Tens of thousands of Naim customers paid good money for your product. Many planed to have their systems up for their New Year parties. Get busy and get someone out to fix it.


New to the forum can someone help - I have no i radio stations whatsoever all of a sudden?
No radio whatsoever is anyone else in the same situation and how do I fix it thanks ?

I found that even though the radio stations weren’t playing when chosen through the Favourites section, I could play the ones from the “Naim’s Choice” section of the Internet Radio menu. Maybe those streaming URLs are cached on the device?

I’ve been investigating possible workarounds using a local proxy (YCast or similar) which uses the RadioBrowser directory ( from radio-browser.info ) - I’m a software engineer so I appreciate this possible solution isn’t going to be for everyone.

But without changes within the Naim firmware which runs the device, there’s not going to be any easy solutions.

I hope Naim (and the many other audio hardware manufacturers whose customers will also have been affected by these outages) can apply some pressure to vTuner to hopefully increase their service reliability and failover capabilities.


Happy New Year. Radio is working again - at least here in Frankfurt.


Happy New Year and yes all my iRadio (VTuner) stations are back, at least all those I checked, this includes all BBC HD, R.Paradise(s), Naim, Linn and some others including overseas.
This was all starting from my favourites screen being blank after being cleared and a power off/on cycle yesterday.
Fingers crossed that’s the final fix.

Added stations seem to be still missing but at least the standard stations are now available (on QB1).

It appears to be back up in Sydney Australia, including on my QB1’s.

West Wales VTuner SNAFU …Happy New Year .