Vtuner down

If what people have posted very politely qualifies as “keyboard warrior outrage” you clearly don’t take part in Twitter.

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Working in Italy from early this morning. Have a nice day.

Dear Steve, i’m happy that the service has been restored. I’ve experienced it as a minor inconvenience, since there are multiple audio sources supported by my Naim equipment. However, the reason for my response is that i was a bit disappointed by your comment about it all being out of control of Naim. Naim has decided to integrate the Vtuner service as part of your product. Hence, you should own the problem instead of pushing the blame away to one of your technology partners. I don’t have sufficient experience with alternative internet radio services. Though, i do have with Naim internet radio, which has not been without its issues. I hope that Naim will investigate how to improve on its services and recognize that adding streaming services to your product calls for a more robust support model than only supporting high end audio equipment. Best regards Max


I am one of those who bought Naim or other companies to listen to internet radio almost all day. I hate though I buy many use it to put on vinyls or music to buy and select it pally from the server. Money on money!
So Christmas without Christmas radio or other stations was not satisfying. I pray Naim or Marantz and all other companies to better manage relationships with these services or the functionality of the internet radio. Greetings.


Works since this morning in the Netherlands.

Enjoy your holidays!

You are being unreasonable, vTuner is essentially a tidal or a spotify for radio. If tidal goes down, you don’t get and tidal music, if vTuner goes down you don’t get any radio.

You have chosen this path so you must take responsibility. Have a back up plan. If you don’t have internet is that naims fault?

Get a cheap streaming box, or use airplay with Tunein Radio installed, this is A, not rocket science and B, not the end of the world.

Take responsibility


Just afraid that such outages are part of life these days. Not knowing the root cause of the issue at vTuner, but knowing a few bits about cyber security business and now having such a large service disruption on Christmas Day sounds too much of a coincidence to me. Make from it what you want, but could well be the root cause sits in lacking security precautions with vTuner rather than failing hardware in their data centres.

Happy it’s back up and running again.


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This cartoon probably depicts the truth behind the outage more accurately than we all dare to imagine.

I recently retired after a 36 year career in “big tech” and this is far more common a scenario than many realise.


This is the iOS one we use…




All working here now, UK!

I didn’t realise until now how much I actually listen to radio these days. Which is a good thing considering how much choice there is.

Anyway, chuffed it’s back on!


The FM radio stations carried on working all over Christmas😉


Update from Italy.
All previous stations saved are now working. Good!!!
But, so far, I can’t log my MAC address on vTuner site to add more new stations.
I hope they are solving the issue little step by little step.
Ciao, Giulio.

Hi all,

VTuner have temporarily patched Naim to a different server so the basics will start to work again. Depending on ISP you may need to switch off / on the streamer at the mains to pick up the reconfiguration.

  • stations will play
  • custom stations added via the web interface won’t work at the moment.

As the real system comes back online there will be likely a small transition glitch as it moves again.


Steve Harris
Software Director
Naim Audio Ltd.


Well done Steve for your intervention, i can imagine customers of some other brands are still hanging.


Thank you, in Munich, everything works on my ND5XS. But I think it’s time for integrate a second internet radio service on the NAIM’s firmware.


Spectacular customer service to be here on Christmas Day giving updates and then obviously liaising with VTuner.

Really impressive!



Many thanks, Vtuner and the staff ( Nothing Else Matters Software, Ltd.) are suspicious in their total invisibility online, no status page, no social media, impossible to communicate with. And the ability (sic) to totally screw Naim and others. I know it’s Christmas, but we have 3 mirrored IT server locations in Germany, Switzerland and USA. No excuses.


Thank you so much for keeping us all updated. Many people have very unrealistic expectations of what they can get “for free” on the internet, e.g. streamed radio stations, and the service levels they can expect. Naim provide excellent customer service, even when a fault occurs with a third party service as here.

Merry Christmas to all the Naim employees.


I wouldn’t say it’s for free though. At some point you are charged by Naim for this service :slight_smile: However to get help on Christmas is a big :star2: for everyone pushing this forward at Naim.

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I suspect “everyone” is Steve Harris, along with Richard keeping the fires damped down in the forum.