Vtuner down

Well done to @Stevesky for getting this sorted when he should be enjoying dome time away from his day job.
Most surprising for me was everyone having to churp up when it wasn’t working and then again, when it was ! It was pretty clear this was a global issue early on. And the panic an outage caused to some. If radio is that critical to your life, get a diverse source of supply.


Just returned home after nights away and happy to find Naim iRadio / VTuner is back.
Many many thanks to Steve and VTuner for all that was done during the holidays to this

And maybe the moaners might remember this was done over the biggest global wide holiday period, people gave up their own holiday time to do this.

Thanks Again


Just a reminder that Naim streamers have chrome cast built in, so if there is an app for the radio station you wish to listen to it can be “cast” to the streamer. I did this yesterday when tuner was down with both the Planet Rock app and BBC sounds to both my ND5 XS2 and cube from both an iPad and android tablets.

Yes I agree with this. I bought a lovely condition NAT 05 XS from a Naim dealer a couple of months ago with no box, cables or remote but with a 3 month warranty, for only £200. And a new remote from eBay for £75 delivered. The dealer had been advertising it he tuner for a few months before I saw it. He said FM tuners were a slow sell these days.


My Naim app for my streamer on Christmas day was bloody joke absolutely crap seems to be average now

FM tuner and Ron Smith aerial now on my wish list :smiley:

“It’s back to future Marty!”

Next thing you know they’ll be delivering milk in glass bottles using electric vehicles.

Dang, live just south of Dallas. If I would have known it was the Dallas server that was down, I could have gone up there and kicked them in the arse to get get their stuff together. :wink: Just let me know next time. Happy New Year!


Current version has a lot of other options. The interesting thing here is not wtha you seem to be unaware, but the problems on my side or my qb started about a week before this total breakdown, but probably unrelated, now that weknow the origin of the failing service.

Naim did a fantastic job for something that is out of their control. vtuner not so much.

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Is that the Dallas solution to computer problems?

first up then down, finally up, but then it seems preferring down again, both on my Naim and on the web.

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Down again now.

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Same here, South Gloucestershire, listening this afternoon, now dead

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I am currently listening to R6 on my 222 with no interruptions since I turned it on around 3 pm.

Obviously not going to be ‘fixed’ until after the holidays, New Year even.

Probably best left till then, after all none of us wants a hasty fix that fails almost straight away, do we?

Hey, Ho.


Looks like it has happened yet again at around 18.00 GMT.

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Before you post stuff like this, why don’t you guys read what Steve has told us is happening, which Richard posted in the sticky at the top of the Streaming Audio room?

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No problem with my unitiqute iradio, DAB, FM great bit of kit

Still down in NZ.

With Roon, the radio works without problem, it gets better when you pay :wink:

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