What a load of old bull

That got me thinking, I can’t remember the last time I saw a walnut whip.

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Nor me, but then I’m lactose intolerant these days and can’t eat them!

Not sure I ever liked them that much but can see them in my mind in a childhood cornershop.

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Used to like crunchie bars myself and mars bars straight out of the fridge

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Yes they have won grand prixs so rarely recently that one isn’t reminded very often that the team that is based in the UK is Austrian for some financial reason or other.

Red Bull is Austrian because it was founded in Austria by an Austrian. The racing team is in the UK because that’s where F1 and its suppliers are concentrated. But this story reminds me:

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I think it even was a Thai energy drink originally, but a smart Austrian businessman made a deal to license it worldwide and consequently got very (very) rich.


Bulls Blood gives you horns! :cow:


Indeed. I meant the company RB was founded in Austria. Dietrich Mateschitz was born 10 km from my birth town. They have been very annoying since, with Mateschitz supporting the populist right and most recently when using their Servus TV cable station in Austria and Germany for giving a platform to covid deniers and conspiracy theorists


I really had no idea and haven’t watched F1 for decades, I think I thought it was a US brand fro some reason. Maybe thinking of Chicago Bulls or something.

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If I had that and Red Bull could be in trouble - getting horns coupled with a stimulant!


I don’t think I’ve honestly ever tried it.

I think one look at the ingredients would cause you to pause.

IIRC, you cannot buy it through the automated tills at my local Sainsbury’s without the (referral) red light coming on.

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Actually if you read behind the headline Bullards are seeking to register their trademark not just for gin but soft drinks including energy drinks. Although they say they have ‘no intention’ of making the latter it seems a little bit provocative.

Mind you that is not the story that sells.

My cynical mind suggests Bullards PR team are grinning from ear to ear.



Not so much cynical as perceptive I think…

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I may have skimmed the article, or maybe more detail was added later, but does sound as though the scope of their application went beyond the obvious.

That is normal practice for a trade mark application. You can delete goods if objected to but you can’t add to them, so you may as well try to go for a broad range of goods to start with.

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However he was very tasty!

For sure, my all-time favourite chocolate bar is Mars bar from the fridge. Gotta be cold.
Crunchie bars are excellent as well.

Also because it was (if I remember correctly) the Jaguar team before it became Red Bull (apologies if I have that mixed up - it’s quite hard to keep track of which team was who)