What are you driving and why would we be interested?

Sold it several years ago because it didn’t have air conditioning. No, seriously, too many cars and too little space, and time. Of all the cars I owned, that was the one that was the most fun. As usual, I had bad timing, now, a few years later, the first GTIs are trading for many times more.


Perhaps not the best car then for the green brigade!!! Still, I love it. :grinning:

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The prohibitive fuel prices prevent the use of such vehicles as daily drivers anyway. That is also good and important. On the other hand, these can be the most delicious drops of petrol. The quantity makes the poison.


A neighbour has an early Dodge Hellcat 6.2 litre Supercharged V8 nudging 900 horsepower and does 0-60 in under 3 seconds.


…but how well does it go round corners?:thinking:

I suspect it misses them completely :joy:

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I once did the man-maths comparing buying a refurbished Ford Galaxie 7litre coupe and running it for 3 years and 12,000 miles a year as a daily driver but likely suffering minimal depreciation vs a BMW saloon like a 5 or a 3 which were very economical but depreciated a lot.

Even without depreciation (which might not be achievable) the mpg killed that off.

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That is true, but who wants to burn so much fuel every day in times like these? I got rid of my last car in 2018 (after filling up with petrol instead of diesel), which was the daily driver, and I haven’t owned a car since. It was really liberating for me. But yes, I have a car that is provided to me by the leasing company. :wink:

We picked up this Ford Puma ST yesterday with the full performance package, great handling and fun to drive. Was not my choice, my daughter will be buying it from Ford, paperwork submitted this morning. I can then get back to more sedentary driving habits.


rather like those having had an older focus ST, a bit bulbous up front maybe.

Gazza it’ll knock 30 years off you. Just think of all those speeding fines.

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A little off thread, so apologies.
I drive an E Class Mercedes Convertible and its Manufacturers Warranty is due to expire next month.
Mercedes have just written to me and pointed out that they offer Extended Warranty products.
Has anyone taken out and used an Extended Warranty for their Mercedes and if so was it really worth it?

Any type of warranty (i.e. insurance), is a game in which the odds are against you. It’s a profitable product for whoever supplies it after all. I would advise to look at whether you can afford it if something goes wrong that would otherwise be covered by warranty.

I.e. I can’t afford to rebuild my house, so I do have fire insurance. But when hiring a car I won’t reduce the excess. It will definitely hurt if I have to pay, but I can afford it.


I am fundamentally risk averse, so my opinion is influenced by this trait.

I would not want to run a car with a large and complicated electrically operated folding roof without the comfort of a warranty. Modern cars are riddled with electronics, the reliability of which will be variable, particularly as the car gets older. Unless extortionate, my suggestion would be to take out a warranty with Mercedes. May also be worth checking out the market for alternative products but my inclination would be to stick with manufacturer, even if it only is a rebadged insurance product.


PS I had a Porsche several years ago whose targa glass panel roof required replacement - the estimated cost was circa £10k which no doubt also influences me!


You missed out the word unnecessary :wink:

You can’t even buy a 12V car battery these days without it being paired to the vehicle’s ECU. :roll_eyes:


My answer is based on US experience. They have many virtues but Mercedes are complex and expensive to maintain. That’s just the way it is. Get the additional warranty.


Yes, indeed. These LED headlamps that track the road terrain , bends etc can cost you thousands to fit. A friend of my wife with a 7 year old Jag…….£1k with a breakers yard one fitted.
I hate to think what these LED dashboards will cost to replace. I did see one of these warranty insurance companies put up their 10 worst vehicles……all high end.


Thank you for the responses everyone.
you are all saying what I was thinking.
I will look at the options and see where they lead… :slightly_smiling_face:

My youngest son has had many high end cars. Never without a full warranty. Peace of mind.

Indeed. I went to test drive a M240ix the other day and my first question to the sales exec was which button turned off all the driver assistance ‘aids’. I’m not convinced about the full digital dash too. The 240 still had buttons for most of the benign functions such as setting cabin temperature, but the pre-release M2 that had just arrived at the dealer (and sadly not ready for a test drive) had moved these to a touch screen. I want buttons and dials, not looking away from the road to work my way around a touch screen :frowning: