What are you driving and why would we be interested?

I sold my expensive car during covid (wasn’t being used, just sat there). It was just out of warranty when I sold it (Almost 4 yrs old). A few months later I saw an article on the website of a national newspaper of an unlucky so and so who bought a similar looking car to mine and within a few months the gearbox went kaput. It made the national news because the replacement box was £31k, not covered by warranty.

Upon closer inspection… it WAS my old car! Close escape.* Anyway, on that basis, I’m an extended warranty man all the way! Not that I have such worries with my current little electric jobby.

*I did some digging and the new owner had written about it on an owners forum. He was rather coy as to whether he had modified the car during his ownership, which no doubt contributed to any lack of sympathy from the manufacturer…


I’m driving a new Mazda CX 30 e Skyactiv x and it is just wonderful.Homura Platinum quartz metallic.


I always look at the price of the warranty and what it covers. At one end of the scale my brother bought a VW with an extended warranty but it didn’t pay out on a leaky panoramic roof, leaking clutch slave cylinder or indeed anything for that matter. At the other end a friend of mine has the Aston Martin warranty that has so far not been needed in 6 years of ownership but goes with the car when he sells it to support the residual value.

I decided against the extended warranty on my Merc. So I expensive that if that’s an indication of the reliability and cost of fixing the vehicle, I’d better sell it pronto!

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I usually change motors just before the original warranty period ends…
Taking into account the costs of a full service, MOT, and a set of tyres; plus additional warranty/assistance costs, it seems better use of dosh just to get a new motor…:blue_car:


I agree and would normally do the same, but I want my next car to be the new CLE Electric Convertible. Sadly, it’s not due to be available until 25/26. Therefore, I have this one for at least another 2 years…:man_shrugging:t2:

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makes sense, so I guess it depends on how much the extended warranty is vs your risk appetite…

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The new M2 does look rather nice…

Just about to change the X5 45e for a new, nicely specced X1 30e (due July :crossed_fingers:…).

It too has an impressive digital screen set-up, very few buttons, and the central rotary control has gone…hopefully the voice control will be effective… :thinking:

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Just put a deposit down on this yesterday with the view to buying it on Sunday.
Giving myself a 72 hour cooling off period.


I would pick it up today and cool off with the roof down stunning indeed.


Lovely colour - what engine ?

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That should be good - fingers crossed for July. The new X1 revision looks good. I see they’ve just brought out the X1 M35i xDrive. Not sure about the 4 tailpipes on an M-Lite though :roll_eyes:

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I’ll be trading my Mercedes Convertible in, so roof down motoring already an option. :blush:
When it stops raining of course…:man_shrugging:t2:

It’s a 20M. I looked at the 40M, but I don’t need that level of performance and the cost difference is huge.
I have a Mercedes E350 at the moment, which also has the same spec 2.0L Turbo and I’m quite happy with that.:blush:

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In the late 1960s/early 1970s, a friend here in the UK had a 7ltr (I believe) Ford Galaxy as his only vehicle.

It is the only vehicle I have ever been in where you could actually see the fuel gauge moving down as you were driving!

He was proud of the fact that, on a good day, he could get as much as 6 or 7 mpg!

Even though £1 would buy nearly 3 gallons of fuel then, it was still an expensive way to travel.


Had to go down to the village this morning to get Bacon and the other rear tyre failed🤦🏻‍♂️
We knew it was a possibility as it already had a slight bulge from another Eff’ing pothole on the A47.
New tyre won’t be available until Monday and this has definitely made my mind up.
I will be buying the Z4 on Sunday!


Good stuff - enjoy !

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Purple, people eater!

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My Tesla lease ends at the end of the year. Somewhat fed up of the refinement and constant faults on my Model 3, others have had no issues, so I guess mine is what used to be called a Friday afternoon car. Its been 2.5 years of regular visits to the garage. Hopefully it will be trouble free for the rest of its time with us.

Ordered a BMW EV to replace it, leaving the Tesla charging network behind will be tough. I’ll need to rely on the general public chargers but otherwise looking forward to a more refined and reliable experience with the next motor.


That looks super cool - you’ll need more than 72 hours to cool down!! Enjoy!


Looks a good spec…see what u mean ref 4 tailpipes…

The hybrid packs 326hp, albeit a little more kg….

Overall, similar performance to the 45e, and a little less costly to run.

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