What are you driving and why would we be interested?

In 1970’s Belfast I got a lift to school in my neighbour’s 7.2 litre Buick Reviera in a shade of purple. Allegedly it had been once owned by Jane Mansfield. Most shocking feature of all was the air conditioning system - unheard of back then - which to a youngster felt like a hurricane of iced air blasteed in our faces! It also left a large puddle from the refrdgerant system - or so it was explained to us!



Well, the following comes to mind.

(Not my car, not my opinion :stuck_out_tongue:)


Holidayed twice in the states, 2005 &2007, and noticed that us Europeans boasted of the make of cars we drove whereas our Atlantic cousins rarely mentioned the make they drove.

They all referred to their vehicles by the cubic capacity, the bigger clearly the better…

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Bit like loudspeakers? ( ducks for cover) :smiley:

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I also recall the driver of our car to JFK airport for our journey home saying that he wanted to visit the UK to see “all those little toy cars you all drive around in”.


My favourite quotes are “turbochargers are God’s way of telling you you need a bigger motor” and “no replacement for displacement”.

A friend imported an Escalade LWB some years back. What a machine! Three row seating, two rows of cinema screens and room for all that luggage but LHD and wholly unsuitable for Oxfordshire lanes. Consumption was 19mpg, which isn’t crazy for a 6.2litre behemoth even if the whole thing is contrary to the zeitgeist today.

The US has some wonderful machines in its back catalogue - Duesenbergs, Auburns, Cords, Packards, Lincolns the original Mustang and the 1958 Plymouth Fury hard top, aka Christine. I’m a huge fan.

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At least they are suffering more from climate change than we are.

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And don’t forget the Hudson ‚Doc‘ Hornet!

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Having dipped my toe in the water with a BMW 530e I’ve been yearning for more battery range, and now I’m taking the plunge with a Mercedes EQC 400. Same colour, trim and spec as this one. And best of all, 2% BIK and no road tax. I guess that won’t be the case for long tho.


What are you breathing in and why would we be interested? :mask:

Changed my cabin filter last week after checking the previous replacement date and couldn’t believe it was over 4 years ago!
Supposed to change them very year (or at least every other year will low milage)

Easy DIY job done and can breath easy now :smile: :+1:


Yes! A car was purchased today🙂
No, it wasn’t the one I pictured in my earlier post.
I have instead ordered a new build one with some minor spec changes. It is still PURPLE, but now has Black leather instead of White and a few other minor details.
Delivery expected to be the first week of September and I’m really quite excited.
I have had two Mercedes Convertibles since my last Roadster and I still miss it, so thought I’d have one last “Hurrah”!
Watch out for pics in early September :blush:


That wasn’t the Buick in which the roof and her head sheared off?

Gosh….never knew that was her fate, dreadful.

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Not her whole head, just the top off the skull. Gruesome indeed.

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Gosh I hope not!! I do recall there was some talk about her being involved in a tragic car accident but no idea if that was the actual car. If memory serves it was a huge two door car - some sort of metallic light purple with a black vinyl roof. Amazing looking bus.


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JM’s car was a Buick Electra. There are pictures after the crash but only b/w. It looks to be a tin top, no vinyl but hard to tell in the pics.

I’m pretty sure his was a Reviera - wouldn’t be surprised if JM owned more than one car. But these are memories of a 10 year old many years ago!


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Back after nipping out to pick up my car from my Wheel guy.
New Pirelli P Zero on the Offside Rear and a straighten, plus a straighten on the front nearside means all wheels are round again and good tyres all around too.
Just got to try and avoid anymore Pothole damage for the next 8 weeks for when this one gets traded in and the new one turns up. :crossed_fingers:t4:

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We took the ‘Alpeen’ for a spin down to Norfolk for a loong weekend (daughter lives there).
Left home this morning, traffic and weather not too good, however thoroughly enjoyed driving it again.
Safely tucked away now and drying out, :racing_car:


Not available here in the US. It appears we’re really missing out!

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