What are you driving and why would we be interested?

Looks like they do…


One of my mate’s brothers had an early Golf GTi with the sweet 1600 engine. Another mate’s brother had a 205GTi (105bhp).

There was a bit of rivalry and a lot of testosterone :japanese_goblin::grinning:

I went out in both and thought both were really good.


For me the one to have would have been a series 1 RS Turbo. I’d have bought one if I hadn’t bought the Cossie.

I remember back in the late 80’s and early 90’s when Golf GTI’s and 205 GTI’s were de rigueur, I much preferred leftfield Alfasuds, much more engaging and characterful, and no, mine dident rust to bits!

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I had a 205 1.9 in red. Known as Mr Whippy because of its roof aerial. Very practical as well as good fun, it really came to life back in its native France although this was all before AC became typical in most cars and you needed to find somewhere shady to park. My brother had a Mk 2 Golf GTI which was so much better built but not engaging to drive (at all).


Hope it all turned out well.

No current invites for DM 2 but I will have Rectory Farm Sidings at Bridlington in September. Maybe catch up there?


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Thank you, fingers crossed, they should be home tomorrow.

Bridlington sounds good to me, it was pre-covid since I was last there, I’m hoping to get to York Show at Easter.


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Mine was out last weekend on a rare dry day…


I went for the Ford RS turbo and always wished I’d gone for the 205GTi.
I thought the Ford had more space for the family.


We had a slightly different experience when I was a boy. On holiday in Wales in my parents’ 1959 surf blue Mini, we returned from the beach, got in the car and there were other peoples’ possessions in it. The locks must have been identical as well as the cars. Embarrassed, we got out, locked the car and found the correct Mini close by, then has a big laugh.


Nice colour and wheels

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Fun if it’s real……?


Nowhere is it written that money and good taste go together…and this one will only ever clock a few hundred miles through Mayfair or South Ken before being sold for a new toy. What a waste of such a capable machine.

For those who like real cars……RIP


Oh…how sad. He, Giugiaro and Leonardo Fioravanti, all born in 1938, created most of the cars I have lusted after since they were created.

A few years back, Iain Tyrell of Tyrrell’s classic workshop on YouTube took the restored ‘Italian Job’ Miura to Gandini’s house. Well worth a view if you’re into classic Italiana.


I don’t envy the cars, just the knees to get in them


It’s hard to grow old gracefully when you own a 2 door coupe. :grin:

If you find Iain Tyrell classics on YouTube, he found the original Lamborghini Miura from the opening sequence of The Italian Job, did some work on it and the owner offered him the chance to drive it on the roads from the film. If things couldn’t get any better he then drives it to see Marcello Gandini. Worth a watch, and a subscription to his channel. He’s has some wonderful cars on.

He recently worked on a friends Ferrari 365 GTB/4 (Daytona). He really knows his cars to a ridiculous level.

Edit, just noticed it’s already been mentioned above.


Got rid of the Grand Cherokee and took a Rubicon instead, I like it


That looks like my Jimnys big brother. :grin:

How do you get that registered the wheels extend beyond the guards, it would end up with a defect notice attached to it here.

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