What are you listening to in 2020 and WHY might anyone be interested?

Back to 1996, and the first, self-titled album by Wolfgang Voigt, AKA Gas. Radical deep ambient sounds…

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More deep psychedelic/ambient beauty from Herr Voigt - this time Gas’ secomd album, Pop. Absolutely lovely.

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On limited marbled orange vinyl…

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Love this album ! - but not seen the film, so downloaded from Amazon and will watch it later.
Keen to see how the music and the film fit together, I imagine beautifully, but believe the film was a bit of a flop?


Nina Simone - Fodder On My Wings.

Track 4 I find very moving… just beautiful



Like many other forum members, I can’t stop listening to the new Bob Dylan album.


In many ways the movie was ahead of its time, being a noirish proto-nouvelle vague picture. As a foreign language film it wasn’t widely seen, especially in the States, but it garnered very good reviews on release. It’s now widely seen as a classic, with the Davis soundtrack playing a crucial role in its elevation to greatness. Very well worth seeing it if you can.

@TheKevster - Thanks for encouraging reply, really looking forward to it now - I liked the ‘elevation to greatness’ !!!

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Listening to this just now - really not my kind of music, but maybe it is, as it seems like a good book, can’t put it down ?!

Ascenseur pour la grandeur, possibly – if my franglais is still functioning.

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Here to help, Nigel, here to help.


Now playing…

Eleni Karaindrou - Elegy of the Uprooting

Eleni Karaindrou (Piano), Socratis Anthis (Trumpet), Maria Bildea (Harp), Camerata Orchestra, Camerata String Orchestra, Vangelis Christopoulos (Oboe), Panos Dimitrakopoulos (Kanonaki), Aris Dimitriadis (Mandolin), ERT Choir, Maria Farantouri (Vocals), Stella Gadedi (Flute), Nikos Guinos (Clarinet),
Hellenic Radio-Television Choir (Choir/Chorus), Andreas Katsiyiannis (Sanduri, Santouri), Spyros Kazianis (Bassoon), Antonis Kontogeorgiou (Choir Master), Alexandros Myrat (Conductor), Sergiu Nastasa (Violin), Andreas Papas (Bendir, Daoul), Konstantinos Raptis (Accordion, Bayan), Renato Ripo (Cello), Sergiu Schwartz (Violin), Sokratis Sinopoulos (Laouto, Lute, Lyra), Vangelis Skouras (French Horn) and Christos Tsiamoulis (Ney).

Streaming on Qobuz (44.1/16)… kicking off this Thursday morning with Eleni with this fabulous orchestra and choir for 93+ minutes of pure pleasure! This quote from Nenad Georgievski from the all about jazz website sums it up very nicely, “On Elegy of the Uprooting, composer extraordinaire Eleni Karaindrou has produced music of sublime beauty, peace and introspection. Supported by an enormous ensemble of 110 musicians—including an orchestra, choir, traditional music ensemble, and various soloists, including singer Maria Farantouri—she combines lush voice-like textures and patient soaring melodies to create timeless compositions that are both soothing and haunting.”

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On vinyl…


Love that! I have the original vinyl pressing but not played it in years. My other half gets completely freaked out by it, she had a supernatural experience after hearing it, true!
Herbal intoxicants might have been a contributory factor!

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Been rediscovering Johnny Guitar Watson. Bluesman who got infected with the Funk.
My 1977 German DJM pressing still sounds flawlessly quiet and great sound, clear transparent and dynamic.
JGW’s voice just oozes cool and humour and his bass grooves. Puts a smile on my face




Sublime, moving and ultimately tragic


The CD version I have with the studio outtakes is very sad, her voice is cracked, she was drinking whiskey heavily during the sessions but still manages a moving performance


Love this vinyl compilation of T Bone Walker classics



On vinyl…