What are you listening to in 2020 and WHY might anyone be interested?

Released yesterday - Mordechai. V good

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Can you tell me any more? I’d like to see/hear this if it’s possible.

Nice start of the Saturday


Yes you’re probably right, might keep my head down. :grin:

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Unfortunately, it isn’t possible for you to see or hear it. It has been professionally filmed so it could see an official general release at some point

I find that a common theme though… generally the first album you listen to of a band/singer ends up being your favourite. I started with ‘Greatest Show…’ so, to me, that seems to be my favourite airbag album. Not that their other releases aren’t also very good :slight_smile:

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Well that’s a tease :frowning: :wink:

Rodriguez Cold Fact


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Well that’s settled it then… :slight_smile:

Agnes Obel, Myopia, CD rip


First run, liking what I am hearing


It’s Saturday night here, 40 years ago I might have put this on while getting ready to go out. These days think I’ll just put my feet up with a glass of red and enjoy The Stones/Some Girls.




Agnes Obel, Aventine, bandcamp

Came back from the rower and SWMBO has this playing… can’t complain. One of Agnes’s very best and the first Agnes album I ever heard… interesting back to my previous comment that the first album you hear quite often ends up being your best.


Steely Dan - Citizen

Playing a random selection from this 4CD box set of the first 7 SD releases.


That’s opened up some memories. Mum’s musical world stretched back to the music hall and the Palm Court radio shows were evocative. We had no records at home, but her friend Hilda, besides Mario Lanza had Charlie Kunz. I’ve not listened to him in years and here he is on film:
Hilda and mum took me to see The Waltz King at the Princes cinema in Smethwick. I would have been seven. Strauss and Lehar were on the radio too. This was a valve set with a warm sound from a big speaker. So while the Beatles played Thimblemill Baths at the bottom of my road in Bearwood, they were entirely disregarded by Hilda and Mum who lived in their own musical world. A neighbour, Ernie had been pensioned off by the Kraft cheese company, he had a vast collection of James Last (Hansi) and would play these when I visited. This would be the 1970s. Last, I knew was the height of un-cool, but I would have heard jazz for the first time in Ernie and Marjorie’s house. Ernie had some American imports of early Last. Here’s American Patrol


This arrived yesterday and I’ve been listening to it this morning. Most enjoyable.


I’m really enjoying this album - very melodic.


Yep prefer this set to most of his recent ones.