What are you listening to in 2020 and WHY might anyone be interested?


Four brilliant guitarists and a fine album. Recorded live.


Patti Smith - Horses

Influential debut, produced by John Cale.


I highly recommend you check out his other albums when you have a moment. They include Magic, Madman, New Lore and Her Songs.

If you do a search he has a web site with some videos available as well.

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Now playing…

Mathias Eick - The Door

Mathias Eick (Trumpet, Guitar, Vibraphone), Jon Balke (Piano, Fender Rhodes), Audun Erlien (Electric Bass, Guitar), Audun Kleive (Drums, Percussion) and Stian Carstensen (Pedal Steel Guitar).

Streaming on Qobuz (44.1/16)… Continuing on this afternoon with Mathias’s ‘The Door’ and this quintet is sounding sublime, just love this album!


Hi @Daveyf, this is an excellent album with top notch songwriting, aided by sympathetic musicians bringing the songs to fruition.The sound quality is also first class.I have the 1995 edition on the Elektra label and that is good enough for me. I am in the uk and this album can be picked up for less than a tenner, although your profile gives no indication of your location.Hope this helps

I’ve just spent five hours or so (five hours I’ll never get back) listening to this crap. I wanted to like it, but just couldn’t.

I can see that Zappa is a great guitarist, and an Important Artist. I can appreciate his musical gifts, his love of doo-wop and of avant-grade classical music. Yet I cannot understand why he promises so much, yet delivers so little. This box is case in point. There is some amazing musicianship, but too often it’s just chops for chops’ sake.

The first CD, recorded at Trident Studios in London, is a keeper. There’s some great guitar playing, keyboards and drumming – but that’s only the instrumental stuff. When Frank and his chums sing, that’s when it starts getting wearisome. The other three CDs, of live stuff, are just tragic. Really, is there any need to dig this far into the vaults? I admire Zappa’s fight against censorship, his battles with America’s puritans; but I despise his fratboy humour. It’s so lame, so dated – and I speak as someone who adores lowbrow, bad-taste humour. This sneering, elitist garbage tries to pass itself off as “satire”, but it’s just dumb, lumpy mischief, and it’s tone deaf and clumsy. That’s the worst thing about an awful lot of Zappa’s post 1960s music: it’s nowhere near as Important, or as Clever, as it likes to think it is (or Zappa’s fans think it is). It’s so smug, so lazy, so tiresome. Irritating, but not in a good way. I loathe this kind of stuff. Epic fail.


One of those many lesser known gems from the ECM catalogue. Rainer Bruninghaus (best known for holding the keyboard chair in the Jan Garbarek Group) first solo album from 1981. With Kenny Wheeler, Jon Christensen and Brynjar Hoff - Freigeweht ECM 1187


Blimey John, isn’t that box empty yet? :grinning:

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This arrived today! Really enjoying it, thanks for the recommendation @Numptyhead


Another gem and one of my most favourite ECM’s. The late great Kenny Wheeler plays beautiful melodic jazz with a stellar line up of John Abercrombie, John Taylor, Dave Holland and Peter Erskine - Widow In The Window - ECM 1417 from 1990.


Bryan Ferry - Dylanesque.


Anything with the wonderful John Taylor is usually pretty good.

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Ruthie Foster live stream from her living room


One more to go, a bargain at £12ish

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Great album, there is a video of it on youtube, worth a watch

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One of my favourite album releases from this year. Destroyer’s Have We Met.


Roby Lakatos & Dr L Subramaniam, Peacock new out. Central European fiddle crossover with Indian music. Thought I’d see what Lakatos was up to these days. Enjoying it.


On vinyl…


To celebrate Northampton Town FC’s frankly unexpected but impressive promotion to League One tonight, a song telling how aliens were attracted to Northampton. It all makes sense now.