What are you listening to in 2021 and why might anyone be interested

(Chasing The Monsson)

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UK first press. Why? “Chain Reaction”/“Quantum Physics”, that’s why…


Never say never…. :wink:

I look forward to the day when I see you post something out of your comfort zone considering the angel that you are :innocent:

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Rattus Norvegicus - The Stranglers

Love this - will that do?


It will most certainly (you’re becoming corrupted in a good way) :relaxed:

…and this….

CB200 - Dillinger


Never lost my love of Punk and Reggae, so I guess I am still in my ‘comfort zone’!

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From your earlier postings in this thread, I never considered you an anarchist (punk) :relaxed:

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A closet anarchist, maybe…

At week-ends I sport a nose ring and a bright green mohican, and call myself nasty Nigel.

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Above the Rim (white men can’t jump). Regulate is perhaps one of the most recognisable tracks from the 90’s hip hop movement :relaxed:

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Each to themselves: I would never judge you for your preferences, but I would love to see you sporting a mohican :relaxed:

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Yes, you wouldn’t want to upset me at week-ends!

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As a publican, I am sure that you would be one of the most hospitalital of hosts :relaxed:


In case you can’t read the tiny lettering, it’s Faust IV by Faust, on a 1991 CD. I’ve just had an email from Bureau B to say my Faust vinyl box set will be delivered tomorrow. Yipee!


Happy dayz, such an iconic album (I would love to have your connections in the music industry) :relaxed:

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I’d like to think so. This is me on the right one week-end…


You look beautiful, I will be sure to visit your establishment when time permits (I look even stranger, if you will have me) :heart_eyes:

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Thanks to @Premmyboy . How have I never heard of this outfit - The Bevis Frond? My only inadequate description would be Half Man Half Biscuit meets Robert Wyatt. Each track a real blast.


Norah Jones - Feels Like Home.
An accoutrement for self-induced narcotic sedation (the perfect wind down) :relaxed: