What are you listening to in 2023 and why might anyone be interested?


Corrected. Thank you :woozy_face:

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Now playing…

Jenny Scheinmann - 12 Songs

Jenny Scheinman (Violin), Bill Frisell (Guitar), Rachelle Garniez (Accordion, Claviola, Piano), Tim Luntzel (Bass, Double Bass), Ron Miles (Cornet), Dan Rieser (Drums), and Doug Wieselman (Clarinet).

Streaming on Qobuz (44.1/16)… continuing on this morning with this fine album from Jenny accompanied by a talented group of musicians and they are sounding mighty fine! Does not see the light of day to often but a fine album…


Dead Can Dance: Garden Of The Arcane Delights


She’s My Queen - Stone Temple Pilots


I agree. I have just ordered the Tone Poet vinyl though to fill that gap which I didnt know I had, or maybe I havent and misfiled it leading to a dupilicate purchase as has hapoened before :grin:

I think the RVG editions originally came with card outer sleeves, I have quite a few that I bought cheaply as they didnt have the card covers, maybe thats why they look different to yours?

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David Bowie Young Americans : on vinyl from the Who Can I Be Now boxset.


Cheers Ewe and @twofifty, Mr Croker’ s demise had eluded me, such a shame.

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I don’t think that the RVG CDs ever came with card outers - the early CDs mastered by Ron McMaster certainly did though. I remember buying 'Black Fire , ‘Blue Spirits’ and a few others in that version. Around 1989-90 ish.

Updated - I think I see what you mean. It was a card outer sleeve on the early RVGs. The early McMasters had a long box. I stand corrected ! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Maybe I’m confused, it happens a lot lately! :grin:

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Following your lead and playing this, not played in quite a while. Was fortunate to see JS play with Bill Frisell at the Village Vanguard approx 11 years ago :sunglasses:


The Place That I Call Home - Bentley Caldwell.

Certainly do Dave, a big favourite on the old forum, never managed to track a physical copy down though.

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Paul Heaton - The Last King Of Pop.


Hollow Talk - Choir of Young Believers

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Starting my evening session with a bit of Mr Numan - still remember the first time I saw “Are Friends Electric?” on TOTP!


More from the Who Can I Be Now boxset: The Gouster.


Ian Dury & The Blockheads - Do It Yourself - CD - 40th Anniversary 2 CD Set

Change of pace with Ian and the Blockheads


David Bowie | Blackstar | 2016
There has been some fine Bowie being played earlier and above. This album was primarily recorded in secret between the Magic Shop and Human Worldwide Studios in New York City with Bowie’s longtime co-producer Tony Visconti and a group of local jazz musicians. It was released worldwide on 8 January 2016, coinciding with Bowie’s 69th birthday and two days before his death through his ISO Records label, Columbia and Sony Records. When I finally managed make myself listen to it, it became one of my favourites.


Didn’t the TOTP appearance in 1979 follow Bowie’s Boys Keep Swinging?


Don’t think so - according to TOTP ARCHIVES he was on after Roxy Music “Dance Away” - followed by Legs & Co dancing to Donna Summer - Bowie’s video to “Boys Keep Swinging” was on later!


1st run, of this well reviewed version