What are you listening to in 2023 and why might anyone be interested?

Thanks Tony,
I’m not for one minute suggesting Nick Cave isnt a nice or philanthropic guy.
Its just the idea of expressing deep and powerful grief, which is without doubt very moving, so much so its too much for me. It probably is the cynic in me that thinks putting it on a record and selling it to fans is a bit like selling tickets for a funeral.
I also cant help but think that for some theres a bit of audio voyarism going on.


Chilling out after a morning’s vigorous house cleaning. Listening to this most days at the moment, has its hooks in me good and proper. Just…lovely.


It’s all good, Dread. I understand your skepticism and agree to a certain extent that lots of “pop stars” cash in on it but I think he truly wears his heart on his sleeve and not on his pocket!



Was usually too drunk to remember all the acts I saw but distinctly remember Steve Earle supported by Green on Red


Oh it is! Please dont get me wrong, just my thoughts…my problem


Like this typical Saturday Night at Dread Mansions…

Sorry, not really appropriate to the thread but I couldnt resist


Ted Hawkins was the very best I saw there. Smaller venue back then.

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Ps: that’s a terrific bill. Green on Red were brilliant. Saw them at Leeds Uni. Never seen Earle but he has made some great music.

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Thanks, I think thats a different clip to the one I was on about, still good though

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Is the AR version a worthy purchase? Well it is the Who’s second best album (!!), so yes, I guess it’s worth having. As I’ve said though, the lower registers are muddy, but when you’ve got a bassist like John and the worlds wildest drummer both competing to be heard, perhaps it’s not surprising!

It only cost £29 including postage. I’d call that a bargain, the best I ever had.


Sometimes cannot believe the strange coincidences that happen. This morning for the first time I streamed some Unkle, and shrugged that I’d given up hope of ever seeing the vinyl I pre-ordered back sometime in what felt like the last century.

Well had a knock at the door and just opened this up, Unkle Ronin II, first track playing and it’s sublime. Longest ever preorder for me.

Also forgot it was limited edition as well.


I see what you did there! :wink:

Yes, I wasnt really asking if its a worthy album, I’m very familiar with it. More whether it stands up audio wise, there are very mixed views on the AR 1/2 speeds.
I think the muddiness as I alluded to before is probably inherent to the recording? Particularly as you say its common to both versions you compared. Do you find the CD muddy? Anyway I’ll fish out my CD and Studio Box set and see…
Thanks again

Thanks for posting that, Adam. Lost touch with Unkle after The Road pt2. Just had a listen on Tidal and I like what I hear and what James has been up to.:sunglasses:

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50 Years of Wigan Casino this weekend, never been but great music. Mr’s Dread giving me one of those looks as I’m chucking talcum powder all over the front room floor…now where did I put those baggy strides…

…mind me ornaments! You aint got room to do that!..


No worries Tony, I just can’t believe it actually finally turned up, I’d given up on it as the date just kept moving out, and then a random listen this morning on streaming and a knock at the door this afternoon with this. It’s good so far, on second side of disc 1.

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Christian McBride + Inside Straight Kind Of Brown / 2009 Mack Avenue / US CD / MAC1047

Christian McBride Bass
Warren Wolf Vibraphone
Eric Scott Piano
Steve Wilson Saxophone
Carl Allen Drums

First play of this new addition to the collection, and sounding excellent.


Donald Fagen - Morph The Cat - CD


A tasty bit of Hot Tuna.



Saw Soft Machine there a couple of years back. Nice venue, great gig.