What are you listening to in 2023 and why might anyone be interested?

Have you tried any of Soul Jazz Studio One selections?

Peter Green | White Sky | 1981
One of my all time favourite musos, the late great Peter Green doing his solo thing


The Beatles - Love, on the DVD-A audio disc.


SAvall doing Couperin on SACD. Loverly!


I do like what Jordi Savall brings to the party, good stuff.

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Apart from the scratches and pressing fault on two copies of Billy Cobham and Arthur C, they sound very good.

Concerning though that in all three albums, the faults are all on side 2 track 1.

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Now Playing…

Tori Amos - Scarlet’s Hidden Treasures

Tori Amos (Bösendorfer Piano, Fender Rhodes Piano, Wurlitzer Electric Piano, Vocals), Mac Aladdin (Acoustic Guitar), Matt Chamberlain (Drums) and Jon Evans (Bass Guitar).

Streaming on Qobuz (96/24)… continuing on into the late morning hour with Tori’s 2023 remaster of ‘Scarlet’s Hidden Treasures’ released in 2004. …and Tori and the band are sounding sublime! …second time out for a spin.


Nimbus West 2CD


Vinyl version available (2nd mortgage required).

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That does seem odd, but over three different titles it must just be a strange councidence surely?


Probably my favourite Sinatra. And that bass note on Ol’ Man River. Someone’s going to enjoy that on big speakers.


I really enjoy the Nimbus West label but its suffered from poor quality re issues and bootlegs. Even Pure Pleasure Records vinyl re issue of Live At IUCC is mastered from CD along with a few other of their LP re issues. The label is now in better hands though and more recent re issues have been cut AAA by Kevin Gray.

I’ve drawn attention to this excellent article a few times before on the forum, but just in case anyone interested hasn’t seen it…

Looks like your CD is a legitimate one but its out of print again for now, Vols 2 to 6 soon come


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Rush. A farewell to kings/Hemispheres
Back to back in the order instructed.


It’s legitimate all right - and previously unissued from the master tapes by Nimbus. Vols 2 to 11 to come.

3 of the volumes are already sold out I think - according to the Nimbus West site.

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Yes, and according to the website Vol1 will be re issued again at the conclusion of the series. If I may ask did you buy direct or is there an outlet here in UK?

These have been available to buy in the UK from Honest Jon’s. They sold out of Vol 1 but have the two current releases for sale at the moment.

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Going down the Jazz route for a while….

Miles Davis - Tutu



Absolutely brilliant pair of albums played together in order. :+1:t3:
Played them myself this afternoon, but the 40th Anniversary editions. :sunglasses:

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