What are you listening to in 2023 and why might anyone be interested?

@steviebee whats that RSD re issue Starship Africa sound like, good?



Only copy I’ve heard, Dread. Sounds fine to me :slight_smile:


Another trip down memory lane…

Skiving off school in The Morocco Cafe (most definitely nothing Moroccan about it)
Ten No 6, Pinball machines, Jukebox, AC/DC and Dennis Brown rattling the greasy floorboards.



Thats good, a while back I bought an On-U re issue that sounded a bit duff. I’m pretty sure it was Adrian himself who sent me a snotty reply :joy:

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Editors - EBM

Not played any Editors for a while, and one of my favourite live bands.


Needed a change of pace…

1994 vinyl release… :grinning: :+1:t3: :sunglasses: :notes:


Well, good as it is, if Starship and Beware were both about to be consumed by flames (those damned joints!) I know which one I’d be leaping to save!

Hopefully, Cry Tuff Chapter III by Prince Far I would be well away from the fire :fire: by that point, lol…

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:heart::green_heart::orange_heart: for Dennis.

Not sure abaht the other mob :laughing:

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I dont smoke joints whilst handling records, leave em in the ash tray

In this case its about much more than that mob, but its a long hard story

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I remember this track back when I lived in FP.
Good days.
Thanks for this :+1:t3:

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Great band Tribesman but I think vanished into obscurity, Mike Darby of Reggae Archive told me years ago that they were doing a deal to re issue Street Level but it never happened, although they did re issue the 12" of The Tribe/Finsbury Park but it doesnt sound as good as the BOA original.

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I’d be right behind you trying to grab it first!

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If The Cramps and White Stripes had a baby…almost…

Some dirty rock from
The Ghost Wolves from Austin Texas
Man, Woman, Beast
Plowboy Records

Sounds bass-light after the dub!


Stuff you find in the loft, part 1. Bought on the Saturday following its first play on TOTP, from Some Kind of Mushroom in Chesterfield, possibly.


Finally got an Original 1974 copy in really good condition.

The tiniest bit of ‘texture’ in ‘the quietest moments:wink:’, but really excellent copy.
Have given it a quick clean. A second deeper clean would probably bring that ‘texture’ down even more😊


Great name! I’d be tempted to make a special trip (ha!) if it still existed.


Rush - A Show of Hands

It seems to be the thing to play Rush these days. I don’t think I’ve played this more than a couple of times. Bought it, played it, filed it. However, right now it’s really cooking in that Rushian sort of way.


Rattus Norvegicus: The Stranglers: 1977

Raw and simply refreshing.