What are you listening to in 2023 and why might anyone be interested?

It is the PG FM, and yes, the Boston recordings. Undated, but on a Belgian label, BR Music, and says licenced by LC Music. Bought from a car boot sale in the early eighties, I think. Just listenable if turned up loud, which of course it should be!

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It wasnt gratuitous, it was in context being the lyric of the record and I used the * to disguise the full word. Ive seen far worse on the cover of other albums posted here. Oh well :man_shrugging:

So the Sundazed reissue is uncensored. I bought the UK first edition which weirdly is censored on the album, but the printed sleeve notes has the ‘inappropriate’ word there in all its provocation. I doubt that you lose much in SQ with the Sundazed version as the recording sounds pretty murky on my pressing.


OK - so I have always wondered where the censored word is used on the record. Is it just in Sinclair’s intro at the beginning of the record, or does it also appear in the song Kick Out the Jams?

I had a first listen to this earlier via Qobuz and my Muso2. I was surprised that it hasn’t been mentioned much on the site and there isn’t much in the way of online reviews. I was thinking of getting the vinyl but I think I will have to listen to it again before I decide to do so. There were some moments that really caught my ear - probably the more ‘jazzy’ elements - but overall there seemed a lack of focus and some rather bland sections.


It’s at the start of the song, iirc. I always thought it was shouted by Rob Tyner. Maybe it was Sinclair. Dunno.

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Tryin’ out my new, dirt cheap, poncy record stand!

Isn’t Anything
2017 reissue/remaster


Fine UK Roots music from Birmingham
Black Symbol - Behold (Qobuz/Sugar Shack 2018)

If you like Burning Spear, Culture etc give this a go, theres a lovely accapella cover of Culture/Joseph Hill’s song Behold.

A superb band who just didnt get the commercial break afforded their peers like Steel Pulse, so they largely remained on the underground unheard by the mainstream which is a shame. Lead singer “Fatman” reactivated the Black Symbol name for this lovely album in 2018.

Back in 2015 Reggae Archive Records have also released a superb compilation of those early Black Symbol single releases from the '80’s

Black Symbol (Qobuz/Reggae Archive)



Good to see some honest view being expressed, rather than the regurgitation of hyperbolic cobblers from some. That said I’ve not heard it yet! :joy:

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You need to learn how to adapt swear words for social media. This clip of Harry Enfield and Paul Whitehouse performing ‘Badfellas’ will show you how it’s done


Gloria Estefan, the greatest hits. Feel like rekindling old memories with this one. :smiling_face:


Yeah I’ve seen that, brilliant!

Petty faux offence does irk me though especially when there are far bigger issues in the world to get upset about. :roll_eyes:

Thanks - I have always assumed it was someone introducing the band and the obvious candidate given the words seemed likely to be Sinclair, but I suppose it could be Rob Tyner - I’ll have to listen again - indeed the ‘brothers and sisters’ inserted in the intro may be taken from Kick Out the Jams itself.

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Al Kooper Introduces Shuggie Otis - Kooper Session. Super Session Vol. II


Shuggie is excellent - better than at least 100 people on that dumb Rolling Stone list.


A classic, as so much of his work was.

David Ackles
Elektra 1968


Here Comes Shuggie Otis


Eye in the Sky


London Grammar - Truth Is A Beautiful Thing - CD