What are you listening to in 2023 and why might anyone be interested?

I think it’s great that they’ve been able to create proper stereo masters from original mono tapes.


I agree, in one sense, and for that reason I love the Giles album remixes as alternative takes on the iconic recordings.

In this instance, I’d just like some more info on who was involved and how it was done.

The information is partially available elsewhere but by not sticking some of it in the booklets is remiss and leads to historical inaccuracies and unwarranted revisionism. Well, at least for us mildly obsessed with these things.

I’m currently listening to CD2 of the Red set and each track is full of surprises.


I believe my Hana need a change after almost 6/7 years but couldn’t find a ML. So they suggested me the Ethos. A lot of patience but i think i’ll be able to make the change alone! :slight_smile:


Bill Evans, Shelly Manne, Eddie Gomez - A Simple Matter of Conviction



That’s what’s so good about these remixed tracks.

I hope I don’t fall within the ‘obsessed’ category! To me if it sounds better, then it is better. And since I will never be involved in the process, I’m not fussed how it’s done or by whom. I just love the music. I do wonder though if I should sell or take to the charity shop all the unplayed CDs and LPs which have now been superseded.


So as not to be accused of too much thread drift, I thought I’d better play a record.

The Beatles - Abbey Road


Ha! I do know of a certain shop that would be most welcoming if that were the case.

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Not at home today - in the other office!

Giving the re-released version of this a go - not listened to for a while….

New Order - Substance


Do try the follow up Memories Of Barber Mack too

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Still wearing my cynical cap, makes me think of “electronically re processed for stereo”

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Use your ears and you’ll be able to ditch that cynical cap.


Just playing a bit of devils advocate. I wonder on subsequent listenings when your no longer hearing the surprises that jump out and listen to the whole, whether it stands up musically over repeated listening (compared to the original as intended sound) or another academic set that sits on the shelf.

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I have tried not to comment as I know many on here enjoy the various versions and re releases of older material. Personally I have never understood that, unless it is merely a ‘cleaning’ of original material to remove clicks and whistles type artefacts. There is so much crap re releases around that the original sound gets completely lost. I wonder if this release is one such step too far?

Incidentally I also prefer to hear the sound in all its deficient glory just as it was released. It is a snapshot in time. Louis never heard his Selmer the way we can hear it nowadays. Similarly my memory of the Beatles sound isn’t what is being described on this release, however ‘different’ it is.

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Of course I shall when I get around to it, but I can still think in the meantime.

I think you make a very good point Bruss, its akin to musical revisionism

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I wonder how the art world would react if the Mona Lisa was given a repaint, “now see it like youve never seen it before”…then a few years later "now we’ve done a repaint of the repaint and “now it looks even better, the best you’ve seen” and so it goes on



He’s right you know…

Coincidentally, I was looking through some LP’s yesterday and found this.


Me too!



What about this one @Dreadatthecontrols ?


STR4TA STR4TASFEAR / 2022 Brownswood / UK CD / BWOOD0287CD