What are you preparing for dinner tonight?

Old Bay prawns with rice.


Turkey curry, normally eaten on Boxing Day but, given the miserable weather over the past few weeks, it seems appropriate this evening.

Slow cooked for 4 hours – added lots of limes into this dish which enhances the chillies. Plenty for the freezer too – and those dishes will only taste better.

Dousing the tastebuds with a Kiwi Sauvignon Blanc…



My second attempt aPissaladière


Have you tried this lime and chilli chutney.
Always in the cupboard.


It’s rather good .

My absolute favourite - my wife has to buy several jars a month!

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Free range pork chop, my own beans (first crop) own potatoes (first crop -roasted) sweet potato -roasted and boiled. Apple gravy

Bramble (wild ones from my garden) and apple crumble, Greek Yoghurt

Washed down with cider and some calvados


Well done! You put me,my air fryer and oven ready fish and chips to shame.

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Sausage & Mash tonight, with Onion Gravy and lots of Veg :yum:
I’ll try and remember to post a Pic when I cook it, which won’t be long now… :wink:
Oops; forgot the pic, but dinner was delicious :yum:


Last night it was er , oven ready fish and chips in my combi oven

No kidding.

Usually on a Sunday , I have a Chicken Ting (You put it in the microwave and it goes ting) but today I had the fresh ingredients plus the remains of a Christmas pressie of a nice calvados

best wishes


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Looks tasty.

This is one of my favourites - Bongo’s ‘Lillimanjaro’…

Bongo is Manny Elias, the former drummer in Tears for Fears.

Worth checking out ‘Bongo’s Rock and Roll Pickles’ online.


Sorting out some stock and duck breasts poached in spices.

Thai hot red curry with duck.


Waguburger beware.

Yes,that’s fat. I didn’t eat it.

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Is that blood at the top of the plate? I’d be more concerned by that than the fat (which I’d be happy with to be honest).

No concerns about a juicy rare steak where the outside should have been heated enough to kill external bugs (generally anyway), but the problem with burgers is that bugs on the outside of cuts minced up become internalised in the burger and aren’t heated enough to kill them if undercooked.

You probably know this and while it’s pretty obvious in hindsight I confess I’d not considered it until I read a warning and have in the past eaten undercooked ones with pink bits inside.

Little worse than an overcooked steak or burger though.

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Generous portions of duck!

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Has anyone tried that shrink-wrapped mince from Sainsburys there have been so many complaints about?

I resisted for ages but eventually did and have tried a few packs which were variable but ok.

Earlier this week I got some ‘conventionally’ packaged mince from Tesco and boy what a difference - completely different texture/mouthfeel and considerably more succulent. I think you have to overcook the Sainsburys stuff to break it up into smaller pieces.

They were some 120g each after cooking. I sliced them very thinly - so not so generous - although hard to set a standard. Per portion 120g is probably generous.

Two raw duck breast at 340g was £9.50.
That’s nearly £25 a kilo.
So yes. That is generous :innocent:


I did wonder how thick the slices were, but I dare say I overdo meat in any dishes I cook, mostly because I have to avoid most carbs.

I Ninja-ed it, internal 68c. Not raw blood. Cooked blood or in catering terminology juice.:wink: