What are you preparing for dinner tonight?

In that case I’d be pouring it over any accompanying veg!

Mrs AC has used Bisto finest gravy granules for years - incredibly high salt content and silly prices these days so I’ve resisted buying it.

For myself I either make ‘proper’ gravy separately or just pour the meat juices over the food - tastier, cheaper and probably better for us.

Convenience foods are rubbish.

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Must confess I was not impressed with a Waguburgher either .

Much prefer Waitrose lean, British beef burger , guilty pleasure

(I have a George Foreman grilling machine which does wonders in letting the cholesterol and fats drain away , gives nice marking on the beef. )

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A problem I suspect is that a good original is lovely but many companies will have ‘jumped on the bandwagon’ to produce them and charge a little more.

Had some nice ones frozen from Iceland a few years ago.

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Summer Veg Frittata with a couple of salads.


Made tonight’s pizza yum.


We can buy a whole duck here in Canada for the equivalent of 25 quid.
I do so occasionally, dismember it into 2 boneless breasts and the two legs. The fat gets rendered and used to confit the legs. The bones make a flavourful stock but yes, the breasts are the best!


In from work @ 10.15pm, knackering day.

Would rather have been at the Ese gig, but hey ho…

Stella Unfiltered and St Remy XO brandy - a few of these (in a coffee measures glass - I know…I have no class).

Oh…and a couple of Marlboro’s.


Air fryer practice.
Banana bread with chocolate chips and pecans.
20 mins @ 160degC.Finish temp 98degC.
Squishy squashy delight.


A savoury baklava made with tomatoes and runner beans from my allotment. Layered with filo and feta and sliced dates. This is to take down to Glyndebourne tomorrow as part of picnic


That’s an interesting take on the original recipe, CD. Sure sounds great and I bet it tastes even better. :yum:

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I hope so. The runner beans are cooked down over 90 mins with onions, garlic, tomatoes, dill and cinnamon until really thick and soft. With the layers of dates and feta it should have a nice sweet/salty thing going on.


First try on an air fryer. This was supposed to be a lovely orange/almond cake.
Epic fail. Burned top, soggy middle. Remedied by cutting crust off, back in proper oven for a further 20 min. Oh well…


Looks fine to me.
I now believe cake Ninja-ing needs practise.

I registered 98 deg on my food thermometer but probably struck a streak of molten banana. ‘‘Twas a little ‘sticky’ inthe middle.

Low and slow shall be the watch words for future experiments.


Thank you, Nick. I got over the initial disappointment and will try again, this time with different settings. :sunglasses:

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Thai fish cakes with Fennel, Egg and Anchovy Salad


Lamb shanks in red wine.


That was last nights, tonight is a nice piece of beef fillet. Goes well with a glass of Shiraz. :grin:


I could slum it with you😂

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You would be welcome anytime.

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Mrs Pete’s away for the weekend so the next one will probably be a toastie and a beer. :grin: