What are you preparing for dinner tonight?

A pasta sauce made with fresh tomatoes and borlotti beans from my allotment plus some chorizo, chilli, parsley and garlic


:yum: :yum: :+1:

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Green beans has got to be so much better than peas.
I love peas, butā€¦


How long did that take? Start to table?

It takes about 45 minutes. First I start caramelising the onions along with the gravy as these take the longest time (on a low/medium heat) and then I start boiling the potatoes whilst stirring the onions intermittently.

I reshape room temperature sausages by rolling them in the palms of my hands before adding them to a hot frying pan with a little oil (frying straight from the fridge can cause the casings to split). During the last stage of frying, I add a little water and then place a lid on the sausages to let them steam for a few minutes otherwise the ends of the sausages may not cook properly. The contents of the deglazed pan is finally added to the gravy. Mash the potatoes with a generous amount of butter (or whatever your preference) and enjoy.

Wishing you a lovely evening/day :smiling_face:


Those sausages look a little bit too anemic for my liking.
The casing quality does vary of course. I find the ones I cook need a good colour on them.
Being somewhat chewy on the skins otherwise.
Against what sausage aficionados recommend, I just cook them uncovered in the oven at 165 for nearly an hour or so, turning so to get a full tanning.


Iā€™m a fan of the oven approach; however, if itā€™s a Sunday breakfast Iā€™ve been known to forget them when I dash out to the pub.

On an aside, I used to poach my sausages prior to browning them. I canā€™t recall who recommended this approach but it worked. Itā€™s too much of a faff now.


Yes, I just jokingly made a reference to ā€œsausage aficionadosā€ which I admit to being one.
People ask me what I would like for my birthdays and Christmas presents. And, I always say some nice sausages. Unfortunately they never take me seriously.

When food shopping abroad or even in remotely different uk regions I am always drawn towards the sausage area.

When it comes down to some types of sausage which are traditionally some centuries dating back made with a high percentage of ground fat, highly salted and smoked you would need to boil them first to make them least susceptible to give one a heart attack before browning.

My most favourite European traditionals are those not too bad to leave pouching amongst some lentils to absorb all that lovely smoky sausageness. :innocent:


A couple of quiches, tomato and basil on the left followed by caramelised onion and feta on the right. Served with buttery salad potatoes and produce from my raised beds:

Wishing everyone a lovely evening/day :smiling_face:


A completely off the wall experiment tonight.

Chicken breasts marinated overnight in Greek style yoghurt with Lebanese spices mixed in.

15 minutes either side in the air fryer, and, know what? ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ really tender chicken with a creamy, spicy crust. :yum: :yum:

Early days yet, but Iā€™m sufficiently encouraged to continue refining the dish with variations of the spicing etc.

Thatā€™s the aspect of cooking I most enjoy, just start out with an idea, and keep tweaking things till it meets with your original expectations. :cook: :cook:


Cheap quick easy and delicious
Leek and cauliflower bake
Mid week supper washed down with a glass of local CDR blanc


Decided to tackle the tomato glut today as Iā€™m heading up to the north coast next week.

Iā€™m going to slow roast these this afternoon, with garlic, basil, rapeseed oil and sea salt.


Four hours in - going to have these with some sourdough, parmesan and a glass or two of Valdemadera Gran Reservaā€¦


Turned out alright. Almost fizzing, the flavours are so concentrated.


They look amazing, which variety are they?

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They are ā€˜Sweet Millionā€™ - a cherry variety.

I usually grow ā€˜Gardenerā€™s Delightā€™ but these are more prolific - all from one small plant.

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Lunch with friends we hadnā€™t seen for a long time. I didnā€™t cook this and tbh neither did anyone else Sydney rock oysters with a nice glass of Chardonnay


You builders know how to livešŸ˜‚

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Gazza I ran away the day they started. :grin:


I would toošŸ‘

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